How do I make several DAZ Characters perform an animated dance?

Hi, I have created a handful of characters that I will use in a Flash type mobile app.

So far all of the characters appear in static poses.

For the ending I have envsisoned a Bollywood style dance number with all of the characters dancing in unison.

Does Daz or some daz add-on support this kind of movement/animation? 



  • Yes. There are a couple ways to go about this.

    The easiest method will cost the price of getting Animate2 (and hopefully graphmate and keymate, though they are not necessary for the basics). You need the full version because you cannot save a series of moves (a dance sequence) with just the free Animate that comes with Daz Studio. Basically you will need to make your dance moves in the timeline with one character, then save that as an animate template you can add to all of the characters.  [Animate and the timeline do have somewhat of a learning curve ... sorry, just the way it is with any program]

    Alternatively, (without Animate2) you can make your poses on one character and save each of them as presets. Then add the presets to each character at the same time marker on the timeline and render it that way.

    Hope this helps,

    William (aka 3141592654)

  • heisdaveheisdave Posts: 128

    Thanks, I'll look into Animate 2.


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,926

    After that, purchase Animate Dance Club-Moves 1, and stitch together bits and pieces of aniblocks to make your own customized choreography. Having completed the dance routine to your liking. Copy the routine to as many V4 characters as you like, bearing in mind that you will need a powerful computer to do this with V4. Or wait for GoFigure to port these over to G8F (which will be much easier on your processor due to the lower poly figure).

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