Turning off shadows for a certain surface - SOLVED
I have a candelabra with candles in and I want the candelabra to cast shadows but naturally not the flame, since it's fire - a light source. I remember seeing somewhere how you could tweak a bit to make it possible to turn off casting shadows for just a single surface of an object, but I cannot remember how it was done.
Anyone knows?
Post edited by Hera on
Several options:
one, load two copies of the item, make one cast shadows and set the flames to 0% opacity, make the other not cast shadows and set everything but the flames to 0% opacity.
two, use a shader - uberSurface 2 has a cast shadows option, or you can use Shader Mixer with a Ray Type Test brick to detect Transmission rays and set the opacity to 0 for those.
edit the mesh to split the flames into separate objects or bones.
I usually use one of the first two, depending on how complex the mesh is.
Thanks a lot for the tips!
I ended up making it even simpler - two renders, one with casting shadows and one without and then postworking them together in Photostop :)