Question about Wear Them All

Does anyone know if there's a way to fit clothing to G3F from G2F with Wear Them All without taking out the hidden AutoFollow morphs? For example, fitting a G2F clothing item from outoftouch to G3F only leaves the FBMDolly and FiendsForeverBodyShape morphs.


  • Morphs are not removed by AutoFit, as long as they are morphs - if they are controls for bones then the bones will be lost and so the controls will become ineffective. Using Wear Them All adds new figures from which to convert, it doesn't change theconversion process itself.

  • No, I already know they're not morphs controlled through the bones. What I'm talking about are the morphs that are shown when you select 'Show Hidden Properties,' that automatically dial in when you dial in morphs to the figure.

  • An example:

  • Those are temporary morphs generated by DS because the morphs are set on the base figure. There would be no point in transferring them as they are specific to the base figure, and DS can just generate new morphs (of the same quality) when/if you set the equivalent morphs on the new base figure.

  • I'm not sure I follow. If I dial in an equivalent morph like Breasts Size for G3F, won't it just deform, since it isn't supported? Basically what I'm trying to do is use G2F clothing on G3F, but be able to use things like breast morphs without it getting something like the shrink-wrap effect.

  • If those morphs aren't transferring then DS geernated them on the outfit when the morph was applied to G2F, just as it would in the AutoFitted outfit when the morphs were set on G3F. Try loading the clothes without fitting them to anything, then look to see if those morphs are still listed - if they are, I am wrong (in which case, try unhiding them before doing the AutoFit).

  • Yes, I have loaded in just the item, without the figure, and the morphs are able to be dialed in after selecting 'Show Hidden Properties.' 

  • So, I actually just figured out that you don't even need WTA to get the G2F clone for G3F, so it's not an issue with that. Is there something in the Clone file that makes it keep some morphs but not others?

  • Have you tried unhiding the morphs? Click the gear icon on the slider, Parameter Settings, and uncheck the Hidden box, then fit to Genesis 3 Female and let AutoFit work.

  • Yep, tried basically everything. Made them visible, disabled auto-follow, changed the path, etc. It would be nice to have them since they would work better than the auto-generated morphs, but it might be a lost cause.

  • When you look at the dress not fitted, has it been fitted to Genesis 2 Female previously since loading in that session? Do the morphs remain (with the dress not fitted) if you go to Edit>Figure>Clear Generated Morphs? I'm asking again as the product page makes no mention of support for those shapes.

  • The item is Appeal for G2F by Lilflame, not sold here. The same thing happens for other items of theirs I've tried, along with all of the ones I've tried from outoftouch. The reason I asked about a possible issue with the G2F clone itself is that it happens obviously when I select G2F during AutoFit, and also when I select the G2F clone using the Transfer Utility.

  • And yes, I'm positive they're not auto-generated through morphs applied to the figure. There are .dsf files for all of them.

  • OK, sorry - I thought it might be an Appeal dress from the Daz store which a search turned up. I'm sorry, but I really don't know why those morphs would not transfer when others will.

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