Trying to render a silhouteet figure, but it keeps adding the light back

hi, I am tring to render a figue that is completely in shadow. So I added a spotlight and turned it way down so the figure is basically black. But then I render and the lights get turned all the way back up.  I know if I removed the spotlights entirely, then the render would add its own lights, but I thought that since I included a spotlight and kept it low, the figure would render as I wanted it to. Anybody know how to accomplish what I am trying to do?



  • Turn of Auto Headlamp in Render Settings>General.

  • JamesJABJamesJAB Posts: 1,760

    There are two posible "headlamps" that may be ruining your day.

    If you are rendering from a "Camera"
    Select your "Camera" in the "Scene" tab.
    Go to the "Camera" tab
    Select "Headlamp"
    Change "Headlamp Mode" to "Off"
    This will cause your scene preview to only use lights that you have added into the scene (Do not be worried if everything in the scene is just black).

    If you are rendering from the "Perspective View" (These steps are for Iray rendering)
    Go to the "Render Settings" tab
    Select the "Editor" tab at the top
    Select "General" from the left side
    Change "Auto Headlamp" to "Never"


    Hope this helps.

  • JamesJAB said:

    There are two posible "headlamps" that may be ruining your day.

    If you are rendering from a "Camera"
    Select your "Camera" in the "Scene" tab.
    Go to the "Camera" tab
    Select "Headlamp"
    Change "Headlamp Mode" to "Off"
    This will cause your scene preview to only use lights that you have added into the scene (Do not be worried if everything in the scene is just black).

    If you are rendering from the "Perspective View" (These steps are for Iray rendering)
    Go to the "Render Settings" tab
    Select the "Editor" tab at the top
    Select "General" from the left side
    Change "Auto Headlamp" to "Never"


    Hope this helps.

    The latter steps should work for cameras too, unless they have had their local setting changed.

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