Dynamic (dForce) overlays?

So, I'm not sure if some method of this is already possible, but as I was waiting for a simulation of my character's dress I thought wow this would be great if I could drop a plane over my sculpted terrain and add my own grass shader, or a tree limb and add my own moss shader.

I know I could achieve this by exporting things to marvelous designer or even in blender with the extra set up that would require.. but could I use Daz's dForce simulation to achieve the same thing on the fly so to speak?


  • I'm not sure what you mean - you can certainly drape a plane over a terrain, but I'm not sure what that would gain you over the basic terrain.

  • EC3DEC3D Posts: 131

    I think what I'm going for is basically the same thing as an LIE preset for figures, but not limited to unwrapped uvs. Im sure it could be done with blending nodes on the actual ground shader used? The goal would be to not touch that base shader though. So I might have and alpha masked river rock texture for example, that once I've simulated my plane or other shape now conforms to the river bed, never having to extrude or duplicate out the geometry of the river bed. I could then move it 10 meters down the river and re-simulate, and maybe just adjust the tiling. Now I have something I can interchange with whatever other texture.. coral etc.

  • Have a look at Geoemtry Shells, which have the same shape (possibly offset with a Push Modifier) but which can have their own materials. Create>New Geometry Shell.

  • EC3DEC3D Posts: 131

    Thank you Richard! That is something I've not even looked into yet. :)

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