projection maps dont like my dynamesh model

Hi my names Thomas. Shades of life projection shaders from Daz10 aren't taking to my zbrushcore dynamesh seahorse.
What Ive tried: Changing size of seahorse between very tiny to 6000%; camera distance very close to very far, changed camera frame size; made a new camera, changed diffusion maps from 200 pixel sq up to 4000 pixel sq; reimported obj file after polymesh3d -ing it(well...I pressed the button that says polymesh3d top of tool menu before exporting) mesh resolution is about the same as a G2 figure, regular UV maps work fine on her, you can see the seam on her back, but nothing seems to be projecting on the seahorse.
Is this an aspect ratio, distance issue? dynamesh incompatability, do I have to make UV maps in Z, I like dynamesh and Im not ready to purchase zbrush? Any suggestions, I admit this is my first purchase of projection maps and oddly I havnt found anything relevant on line yet. Thanks.

Is the model UV mapped? What settings are you using for Shades of Life?
you can UV map it in another software
Hexagon which is free here will do it