Unexpected tiling on curved surface with bump map when using IRAY to render

Hi. I am applying a bump map to a primitive torus. However, when I do, I see blocky tiling occuring on the object's surface that is proportional to the bump map's strength. Does anyone what's going on here and how to avoid it? I don't see this issue when using a displacement map, but that is not always the answer I am looking for depening on the scene.
I've attached images with the bump strength set to 0, 15 and 50. Thank you.

Torus - withBmp at 0.jpg
873 x 906 - 677K

Torus - withBmp at 15.jpg
873 x 906 - 714K

Torus - withBmp at 50.jpg
873 x 906 - 812K
Gonna be "that guy" and say "don't set the bump so high".
What's happening is the bump map is revealing the geometry of the mesh. Give it more subdivisions and it will be smoother.
However, I will say that with the high bump, it looks more like hand-hammered than "He went to Jared". Depending on how many of those 50 Shades you're going for, that could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Can you set a Bump, a Displacement, and a Normal map on this material? Try each one, or combinations.
What effect are you ultimately trying to achieve?
It's illustrative. I never use 50 in anything, but even at values around 1-5 the effect becomes visible. So I am starting to wonder if I can even use bump maps at all curved primitives.
I don't know yet. I was experimenting and thought, "That's weird. I wonder why that happened?"
When you say "give it more subdivisions" are you referring to "SubD displacement Level". That setting only becomes available in my tab when I have a displacement map applied. And even with with SubD displacement level set to 7, the surface did not look any smoother. Or were you referring to a different setting? Thanks.
When you Create>Primitive>Torus, set the sides and sections count higher. 128, 256, something like that.