Error message for photoshop bridge

I get this message when trying to install Daz studio. Any advice on how to solve the problem? TBH not even sure what a photoshop bridge is. I have photoshop.
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The package for "Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.10+ (Win 64-bit)" requires that the installed path for "Photoshop CC, CS6, CS5, CS4 (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
The Bridge is a convenience for sending images to/from Photoshop, it doesn't let you do anything you can't do - in a slightly clickier way - without it. To install you need to tell Install Manager where your Photoshop is, and which version: click the gear icon at top-right to open preferences, go to the Applications tab, and click the + button to add a new one; set your details (Photoshop, version, bits) and click the .. to enter the location of the application, then click Accept back to the main window and try isntalling the bridge again.
When i check in the select foldeer location, I can't find it.