HELP-visual shaders not working right

so after moving over to a new pc and installing daz studio 4.10 i have loaded all my characters but upon adding the shaders i get weird bright colors that also shift hues as seen in the attached image......whats going on???
my OS is windows 10 professional 64 bit

383 x 519 - 108K
Do you have any lights in the scene? I don't have this product, but I have seen something similar when there are photometric lights in the scene and subsurface materials on a figure. Does it render properly?
Is that what it renders like? That looks like the preview, I can see the grid. I just ckecked and I don't see the intensity you're getting.
Attached: OpenGL_Preview, 3Delight and Iray with all shaders set to Visual Shaders
Actually, the more you mess with the colors the worse the preview. But it still renders OK. (The eyes need work)
thanks for the comments guys,yes it does render fine and no there are no lgihts in the scene :U
I'm having a similar issue.
It appears to be the "unusual" shaders, as any Iray shader that is not Iray Uber will prouce similar results. I haven't tested enough of my 3DL shaders since i noticed the problem, but I have a feeling that there is a display issue with the "nonstandard" shaders for some reason.
I submitted a help ticket, but for some reason I can't access it, or I'd link it. (I can e-mail about it, but clicking on the link in the e-mail sends me to a "whoops, this page doesn't exist" file and it's not showing up on my requests either.) I suggest other people who see this document (screen shot) it and submit it too, with as many clear details about which shaders are being used.