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Another snake picture.. this one born from a story I came up with *smiles*
She lived near the border of the forest, next to an old temple of long forgotten deities. She visited the temple every day when she grew up, befriending the many snakes that roamed the abandoned hallways. Upon reaching adulthood her beauty blossomed into its peak and she was considered the most beautiful of women. Many a man had asked for her hand, but they had all been denied.
Years went by, rumors flew, sharp jealous tongues spreading lies and guesses. Scorned men licking their dented pride over mead and wine, until one day when one man could not take the blow to his pride. He rallied some others who had ben denied her hand and at dawn they made their way towards the temple.
They found her in the middle of temple, aiding a snake who had been hurt. The one snake who had been her companion for years were nowhere to be seen, egged on by their wounded pride they attacked her. But she was not a woman to back down so she fought them, agile and fast like her slithering friends she kept away from their grabbing hands. No one would ever know who it was that dealt the killing blow upon the woman, scared due to what they had done they ran to their homes, never once looking back. Never seeing the sinister black snake moving towards his companion, never seeing him turn into a long forgotten deity. He carried her gently to their chamber and there he turned her into marble, his loving bride now lost to the living but never would her beauty succumb to dust.
A week followed with many a man dying, only the puncture marks and drop of venom visible on their bodies. The temple turned darker than ever before and anyone brave enough to enter it never came out again. Rumors has it that the black snake returned to his bride of marble and coiling himself on her lap, going into eternal sleep to be with his beloved, but that is only stories from romantic housewives, or is it?...
...and so ends the tale about the Bride of the Black Snake
Used Magical Granite Shaders
Made in Daz Studio 4.6
Postwork in PS (adding my name)
Decided that I could put up the picture I used to merge with one of my Aldrak pics, since I did put it up in the Stonemason thread *smiles*
Child of War
Followed by the picture it was merged into
Aldrak - Childhood Memories
Hmm... Seems I lost notices again. Somebody got all renderery on me while my bot (back) was turned. Lots of good stuff here, Some I've seen in other threads but Still nice to find a main thread. Keep it up.
Born by fire in the deepest depth of Hell, crossed over the gate into our world. With a cruel streak and a wicked sense of humor he has been released... and he's here to play. They call him Inferno, the Fire Demon.
Title: Inferno, the Fire Demon
Software Daz Studio 4.6, native render
Minor postwork in Photoshop (signing the picture)
( I hope I don't break the TOS with this picture, but I think the fire covers all the important bits... not that the poor man even HAVE those bits since I am currently lacking a M5 *grins* )
Thanks Jad *smiles warmly* I be trying to put more things in here, but I tend to forget this thread *laughs*
I like that last one :)
Maybe you could bring it a bit more to life by adding some red/orange/yellow glow from the fire on the figure? Just a humble suggestion, of course.
It's a good suggestion Mori *smiles* I will see what I can come up with....
Edit - put up the second version of Inferno, the Fire Demon... and now I'm not sure which one is the better one *laughs* Feedback please my dears *smiles and gives cake to those passing by*
I really loved the story about the snake *Smiles*. It drew me into the scene to where I could feel the woman's and snakes emotions!! I did not want the story to You have knack for drawing the reader in!! Keep them coming *smiles*.
Thank you *blushes* I'm happy you like it and I will try to come up with more tings, has a lsoe idea of that demon of mine too *grins*
Great image Kaz.
Now throw some DOf in, make the fire higher at the sides dipping toward the centre, add some smoke, make each wings different from each other as in posing and I think your image will go from great to wow....I hope. Don't get me wrong the image is pretty good just needs more drama and focus on the dude.
What wings are those, do they come with a transparency map?
Oh dear... those wings are the Millenium Subdragon LE *blushes* I don't have any other wings .... so I remembered having read about someone managing to use that dragons wings on their human figure.. and decided to try. The rest of the dragon is simply made invisible.. and parented to the humans hmm torso or shoulders, don't remember which *smiles*
Smoke I was thinking of, but didn't manage to do any that was good, will give it another try though *smiles* Not sure what I can do about the wings, but I will try that too.. and the fire is fairly easy to fix, least the going higher bit, wil lsee about the dipping bit *grins*
Lightwise though, which one is better you think? the one with the orange/yellow lights, or the more dark one. I personally just can't decide which one I prefer *laughs*
I like the more orangy better. It makes the demon look more like a cause of the fire, almost as if he controls it. Well done!
I prefer the orange one.
As for my suggestions, they are just that. Try them and see what happens if you don't like them them ignore me. LOL
Smoke brushes. Use one layer for each stoke of a smoke brush, off white. And build up layer of smoke, adjusting the opacity. Don't try and sue these type of brushes in one layer it will never look as good as building it up with a number of layers. You will have to erase parts that are too heavy of obscuring the main subject. Use a low opacity eraser like 30% and again build the erasement up. Hum is there such word as erasement
Now as to the cleverly used Sub Dragon (nicely done btw). I just had a look at the maps for Sub Dragon and if you take the BUMP map in to GIMP/Photoshop and make the white parts of the map the correspond with the wings bones full white then I think the map would be good for a transparency map which goes in to the Opacity channel. This way the wing membrane will be semi transparent.
Thanks Mori *hugs*
Now.. let's see here Szark, remember I am still new at these things *winks*...
... Of course I wil ltry it out, cna't promise what will happen though *laughs* What you described for the smoke brushes is how I made the fire in the background (the more reddish one). Well, without the erasment (and it might not have been a word, but it is one now *winks*). Smoke brushes though... hmm I have to see if any of the Fog brushes can be classified to work as smoke *smiles*
Sub Dragon and the wings.... Erhm.. ehm.. uhm.. what? I have to see if I can manage that, I once tried to work some skin map of osme sort in Photoshop, but ended up quitting that as I had no clue what so ever what I was doing *blushes* Would the Sub Dragon and the Sub Dragon LE have the same maps btw? Not sure if the LE versiosn of some of the figures truly has everything the normal version does. Will look at it, though not sure I quite follow what you suggest I do... *blushes with a sheepish smile*
Yes they have the same maps just the LE has smaller versions.
Plenty of free Photoshop smoke brushes on the net including DA.
If you don't try new things you w.won't know if you can do it or not. If you need help I am here for you. The trans map isn't that hard to do once you understand White is Solid (no Transperency) and Black is full transparent and gey in the middle. I made an error in my post where I said paint the where the bones are Black when I should have said white my bad.
The first thing to do is to Invert the Map so the white become balck and vice versa
Paint full white on where the wing bones are.
Then Lighten the dark black parts of the wing using the Dodge Tool at a low opacity setting.
What image software do you use?
Photoshop CS6 (and daz Studio 4.6)
You know, (completely random I know *winks*) I might actually hijack you into skype (if you have it) and than steal you for some time to allow you entry into my computer to help me so I don't mess up the whole system when it comes to organizing my content *laughs*
I do have Skype for the CV chat rom but to be honest I never have any time to use it.
I do prefer to do it all on the forums so others can learn from it too.
I can use Photoshop CS2 to show what tools to use via screenshots if that is any good to you.
I was mostly joking, the reason I mentioned skype was cause if I did manage to get you into my computer.. a skype call would be eaiser to use to make sure I got stopepd beore doing something stupid *winks*
And please, if you can I would love to see your screenshots, it might be a little different from how cs6 looks but should still be able to get me in the right direction I think *smiles warmly*
LOL good idea though.
OK when I get a chance I will get something together and see if we can get you doing something new and fun.
I'm already doing osme changes on the picture *happy beaming smile* have changed the pose of the wing a little, has changed one of his arms, changed the colors and intensity of the lights around a bit, moved position of him (due to the change of wings). Made a second camera with DOF and the ifrst without it (my computer gonna KILL me when I first ask him to render the picture with DOF and than, almost 2 hours later ask him to render the same picture without DOF *giggles nervously*)
Anyhow, I did came to think about something. I am using the Leather shaders (the ones in PC) on the wings, will that effect the whole black/white/transperency membran thingie ?
I haven't got the Leather Shaders so I do know. If it has an Opacity slot then we should be good to go.
to give you an idea of what Trans maps can do take a good look at the wings on this dude. This is a WIP that I am in the middle of. The Mil Dragon comes with a Trans map for the wings but I made some adjustments to make it better using the process I will show tomorrow all being well.
Learning about trans maps can help with so many effects hence why I suggested it.
here you go Kaz hope that helps.
I found a better and easier way to do a crude Trans Map
Thanks dear :) I will try to see if I can get my sorry ass into photoshop and do this. Looks really interesting truth to be told and I look ofrward to try it, than we wil lsee how the result look like *laughs*
And that dragon of yours above, look great ! Albeit a tad bit on the overprotective side *winks* "Get ONE single step closer and I RIP you apart limb by limb.. just come little puny human.. try me... I dare you!" That's the kind of look he has in my opinion, looking forward to see the result *smiles*
My pleasure.
Yeah he got out of the wrong side of bed and is a little knarky.
*mishievious smile (probably spelled that wrong) and a teasing note in my voice* Woke on the wrong side of the bed and is a little knarky you say?... well dear, soudns like a normal man for me
On our little project *grins wickedly* I DID IT.. now I just need to render it again *shies away from the computer who suddenly growled angrily* So I be seeing you in a couple of hours or something....
LOL Normal man you say...yeah ok that sounds about right. (inserts pokey out tongue smilie)
I look forward to see it Kaz.
Well now... this was some intersting and fun ways to spend the day *smiles* My cmputer were NOT happy, but he did buckle down and did the job I asked of him, and here is the result...
Wings have been changed into that transmap thingie you taught me and the pose of them has been changed. Inferno's pose is slightly different, made his hand reach out towards the viewer instead of just being at his side. Smoke has been added, subtle but it's there. Some of the fire lean in a tiny bit, but as the props didn't had any morphs in the fire it was hard to make them lean in naturally.
All in all, I am very much satisifed with this demon of mine.. even if he whispered sweet suggestions in my ear all the time *winks, blushes and giggles*
Anyhow, here he is.. again ^^
Inferno, the Fire Demon
A glint of malicious humor in fiery eyes, his smile cold, his hand reaching towards you. Deep and silky, low and inviting, his voice a bare whisper in the wind "Come to me." You know you should deny him, that you should run, but can you?
Are you happy with it?
I must admit my eyes go striaght to him now and not wnader all over the scene. So in my view this is so much better, what do you think Kaz?
I totally LOVE it... replaced my sweet Aldrak as wallpaper too *grins*
I am much more satisfied with this one, and I actually removed my former post in the monthly with him, and put up a new one with this version instead. Not sure if it is allwoed or not.
I justh ave no words to express the happiness and the thank you's I want to give/show you.. but believe me when I say I am mmuch much more happier with this version than withe original one. And I am so utterly grateful for the transmap thingies you taught me *give hugs*
Good and you are most welcome.
Two new pictures of my Fire Demon, was playing around a little and the first one was born.. than I decided to do a similar shot, as if it was in a serie and at the same time, get a entry for the weekly contest *grins*
The demons position in the two pictures hasn't changed much, just a subtle change as I wanted it to have *smiles*
Let me know what you people think about them *leaves tray with cold milk and newl made, still warm, buns*
Hurting and Hurting 2 - Touch