Wearable & Material Presets

Hello all, I am a semi newbie to things Daz, and have a few questions on this matter. I am upgrading to a new PC (homebuilt running Win 7 pro) and want to do a fresh Daz install, but I don't want to migrate all of my content (240 gigs worth) to the new rig. I do however have some V4 content that I have saved as wearble presets and material presets for G3f.
My questions are:
moving from 4.9 to 4.10
Is there a way to package said contents into one folder (like a manual install zip) for each item that includes both presets?
Does the original V4 content and textures need to be installed on the new PC as well, or can I just put the textures folder (if possible) in with the combined presets folder?
Yes the original content, at least the textures, will need to be installed. I'm not sure what you mean by packaging both into a single zip - if you are worrying about the asset files in the Data folder, which version of DS were the presets saved from? The most recent versions embed the files in the user file (the .duf) but older versions of DS created assets in an Auto_ folder in the Data folder.
I want to make a manual install zip (data, runtime, etc), like when you download products and manually install by unzipping to the content folder. Call me old school, but I don't use DIM, rather, I install manually, then save copies of the zip file to 2 different external drives for backup. Presets were made in Daz 4.10 beta, so yes, they are .duf files, with preview .png in the preset folders.
So what are you wanting to zip? Just the new presets, or the content they require? While the latter is certainly possible it would require a lot of fiddling.
Ahh, ok, I see now, duh me. I have to have the original v4 content installed for the presets to work, correct? If that is the case, then I can zip up both material and wearble presets into one file? Then in the new install, do these have to go back into the presets folder or can I combine them into one folder in another location for ease of use?
Presets can go in any daz Studio Format content directory, as long as they aren't in the runtime, Data, or Read Me's folders.
Thank you for explaining to me, much appreciated!