Morph Target Modeling Question

In my quest to find a morphing file folder for my spy to use, it occurred to me that I have the software to make this myself. Maybe.

Can anyone give me an overview of how to do this? I assume I need to model a rectangle, then export it as obj, then fold the model in half (while keeping the same number of polygons, vertices, etc, then exporting it as a second obj, the morph target. Am I in the right ball park? I have hexagon 2.5.

Thank you!



  • posecastposecast Posts: 386

    Ok, I got it working using Hexagon. It folds, and the morph target works, but now i want to fine-tune making it lie flat, and having the fold occur as if the folder was being opened. Right now it is all symmetrical, so I need to keep the back cover of the folder locked in place and make the front cover fold open. I'm terribly new to modeling, so any hints would be appreciated.

  • You could add Bones to it in Daz Studio's Joint Editor (Tool Settings Pane, select Joint Editor from the drop-down menu at the top of that pane). 

  • posecastposecast Posts: 386

    Can you add bones to a daz primitive? That way i could skip the hexagon route altogether.

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