Downloads not available message

EzakiEzaki Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi all, I ordered some items from the Genesis summer sale section earlier and the order status is complete but I'm getting a pending message telling me that the downloads are unavailable. When are they likely to become available?



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    They were experiencing a problem with the downloads, as noted in this announcement at the top of each forum

    If your download is still not available, try resetting the downloads, from the tiemised order hsitroy,, after clearing your cache.

    If that still does not allow you to download then I am afraid you would be better to submit an support ticket to sales, for a manual reset.

    However do try the other way first, as it is now a weekend.

  • EzakiEzaki Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for that, it would look like I was looking for info in the wrong place but that seems to have done the trick.


  • Velvet GoblinVelvet Goblin Posts: 532
    edited December 1969

    I'm continuing to suffer the downloads not available bug.

    Usually, resetting the downloads works. Sometimes waiting a few hours works. Sometimes, though, these things don't work.

    Is this bug, which has been happening to me for at least one file on every order in the last couple of weeks, on the radar? Does Daz know it's still a problem?

  • Martin_CMartin_C Posts: 164
    edited December 1969

    It happened twice to me, and if I get it right then it is a "manual" problem with a wrong filename. Resetting the links doesn't fix it - you need to open a ticket at the bugtracker and tell them. But I guess you could also tell ZenDesk to forward it on to them.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2012

    Bug tracker and Zendesk are completely separate. Bug tracker is Mantis, and you need a separate login to submit a bug report.

    I'm continuing to suffer the downloads not available bug.

    Usually, resetting the downloads works. Sometimes waiting a few hours works. Sometimes, though, these things don't work.

    Is this bug, which has been happening to me for at least one file on every order in the last couple of weeks, on the radar? Does Daz know it's still a problem?

    I haven't actually seen anyone reporting this exactproblem, but there have been a couple of times when people have reported a problem with a download, and the download has been temporarily removed in order for it to be fixed.

    Resetting the download should solve this problem, possibly after clearing your cache and refreshing the download page.
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Martin_CMartin_C Posts: 164
    edited September 2012

    It does happen (twice here), and resetting the download does not fix it.

    I reported both issues on the bugtracker and they fixed it quite soon. As a matter of fact, for the second time I then downloaded the file without resetting my (individual) download link... so it looks like that it is a manual error of the filename, that is different as the shop software expects it to be.

    The Mantis bugtracker is a bit "nerdy" to be honest... probably not that straightforward for ordinary customers with little beta-tester experience. So maybe it could (?) be an option to file a ZenDesk ticket and simply ask there if they could forward the information that product XYZ got that "shop/downloadable/download/unavailable/id" bug.

    Post edited by Martin_C on
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