D force crashing driver because of certain poses???

Okay I was playing with dforce and using the Fiona Dress and some poses from Model 101.  I managed to come across 2 poses in the set (didn't try all) that made the nvidea crash and thus Studio as well.  What is causing this?


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited January 2018

    Have you checked the logs?

    Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File

    (Opens up a text file - it can be large)

    You might be better deleting the contents, saving and trying again, then you know it is more relevant; scroll to the bottom and work your way backwards.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • not sure if the log file will help much, it always seems to have different info :/  Didn't see anything in the info about the poses.


    something common around the crash points : 2018-01-10 21:42:23.950 WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

  • Do any of these poses have the potential to turn the dress inside out, such as a handstand? I found that dForce really does not like those poses with dresses, and will freak right out.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    Another thing that dforce doesn't like is intersecting bodyparts

  • @ Dr & Leana : Nope and nope :(.  The 1 pose that I do know works is almost identical to one that does not.  And I just tested the pose on a basic pose, that was similar ro what I liked, and it crashed too :/.


  • Guess there is nothing I can do but switch poses until I find one that won't crash.  Thanks for trying.


  • Set the Dynamics Strength to 0 on all but one area and try it again until you find which one(s) cause the crash. If they all do individually, then it may be your Nvidia drivers.

    Also try setting the draw style to wireframe or some other non-textured style and see if it crashes. I'm not sure what the "known incorrect sRGB profile" is and why said profile is even available if it's known to be incorrect, but that doesn't sound like it has anything to do with dForce, and more to do with texturing, possibly even how transparency is displayed during a simulation.

  • Set the Dynamics Strength to 0 on all but one area and try it again until you find which one(s) cause the crash. If they all do individually, then it may be your Nvidia drivers.

    Also try setting the draw style to wireframe or some other non-textured style and see if it crashes. I'm not sure what the "known incorrect sRGB profile" is and why said profile is even available if it's known to be incorrect, but that doesn't sound like it has anything to do with dForce, and more to do with texturing, possibly even how transparency is displayed during a simulation.

    Well I'm afraid that is more than I understand about DForce.  Still learning alot and have yet to figure out how to make something not made for dforce, dforce-able.  I will just have to keep trying poses I like and hope one works when I want to use DForce.  I decided to use the pose that doesn't make it crash, but now I get to try to figure out how to kee the dress from getting forced into the body.

  • Each separate Surface (Material) should have dForce applied to it, whether it came that way or whether you applied it yourself. Each of those Surfaces has individual dForce settings under the Surfaces(Color) tab under the Simulation entry in the Surface tree (where you have Diffuse, Opacity, Specularity, etc). Dynamics Strength is in the Simulation parameter tree. For every Surface (frills, dress, top, etc), turn the Dynamics Strength to 0 except for the Surface at the top of the list, whatever that may be, then run the Simulation. If that part doesn't crash, set it to 0 and move to the next Surface on the list and run the simulation again. Keep doing that until you find the one that crashes.

    If none of them crash doing it that way, it's a problem with how they interact with each other, and may be related to their Collision Layer. Everything should have a different Collision Layer. Items closest to the body should be 1, items layered onto that should be 2, 3, etc depending on how many layers it is. That dress looks like it will have 3 layers at least. This is pretty much the same as layers in an image editor where you can manipulate or otherwise effect one without disturbing the others.

  • Okay, here are my results so far... I was geting the impression that you thought it might be the dress, and I thought, no can't be cause I also tried on another dress, that I didn't mention.  That got me thinking, because the other dress I tried was made by the same person, so I tried it on the Bardot dress that was free, that didn't crash when I used it on the poses.  So I went back to the dresses I tried it on before, the other dress had 3 materials, 1 was okay, 1 blew up, and 1 crashed the program.  I then tried this on the Fiona dress, which I think it had like 6 materials, 1 simulated okay, all the others blew up, but none crashed it.  So those are my current findings.

  • How do I determin the collision setting?  Does every material need a different setting?

  • Guess I will just have to switch poses on some things, I tried different settings on the dress and all I got was stalls and blown up dresses.  Thank you for the help.

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