Problem with Genesis/Aiko 5

RPGMaker247RPGMaker247 Posts: 146
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Several times I have "exported/sent" Aiko 5 to Bryce and each time the eyes are blank (not the standard brown, etc colors with the character). Is A5 incompatible for Bryce? Or is there something I'm missing?


  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    There are a couple of things you need to know.

    1. Materials work differently in DS than they do in Bryce. Bump polarity is the opposite in Bryce than it is in DS. Same thing for transparencies, which is why the eyes come in as black instead of transparent.

    2. That said, any models imported to Bryce via the bridge will need to have the materials readjusted to fit Bryce's way of thinking. It is pointless to wish for a more effective translation, there is no perfect way to export from DS to Bryce without needing some additional tweaking in Bryce.

    3. One last issue is with the Mesh Resolution of a Genesis figure. Someone high up in the Daz food chain decided that Bryce can't handle full resolution Genesis models (of course it can!!!). So quite to my dismay I have found that the Bridge always sends Genesis models over at the lowest resolution, leading to rather sharp edges and lack of smoothness. In distance shots this is not an issue but for a close-up it is incredibly obvious. For this reason I don't even use the bridge at all, I actually export my Genesis models as OBJ and I reassemble the whole thing in Bryce. I'm not home at the moment to find the link to the old forum where I explained how to export from DS using the native exporter and to import into Bryce at the proper scale. When I get home in a bit I will look it up.

    Bryce and DS handle light and materials in completely different manners, so one must embrace the differences between the applications if we want to avoid frustration.

    Best of luck!

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