Substance Painter will not export Diffuse or Glossiness Map.

Finishing up a project. I am texturing in SP and everything looks good. When I go to export, using Ray Ray config, SP will not export Glossiness or Diffuse. Anyone have this problem before? I have not encountered it before now, (most of my problems in the past have been with my meshes not SP issues).
I have submitted a bug report to SP.
Thank you for any help you might be able to give.
I tried a different exporter and it is still giving me errors. Very frustrating. I have never had this kind of issue with SP before. I am doing everything the way I have always done it. I might try redownloading my copy of SP.
Thank you for the advice though.
I may try calling them tomorrow. Anyone have any luck with that before?
I just tried re installing with no luck. I also tried using a previous mesh which gave me no problems in the past and it gave me errors with this also.
Sorry I don't know what to tell you, I've never had anything like this happen to me either.
Thanks for the help. Is there an easy way to reset my SP config to default?
My error log says my diffuse and glossiness channels are missing. How can I ameliorate this?
I am currently looking online to find an answer re this.
If I manually add the diffuse channel and glossiness channel it works. Is there an easy way I can set this as a default?
Hey, I know it's a million years later.
I'm having the same issue.
How did you manually add the diffuse channel and glossiness channel.
Thank you!
im not really familiar with SP, but i think you can add channels in texture set settings
Also, can you not just use a converted map on export (in export templates)? I dont know how SP converts the maps for diffuse and glossiness.
After selcting Ray Ray or whatever export setting you are using, go back to the settings window, and click "Reset all" in the bottom left window. This will refresh your texture set lists to inlcude all of the relevant maps.