Items disappear on the other side of glass.

I have a scene - indoors with a glass window. There is a wood deck outside. The glass has a texture but no UV map. I made it in Wings3d.
When the "room" containing the glass is in the scene, the deck and rail mostly dissappear. I think I see some shrunken remnants of the deck, but the rail is gone.

600 x 2516 - 162K

3DLite -1.jpg
600 x 338 - 92K

3dLite No Glass.jpg
600 x 338 - 93K

IRAY -1.jpg
600 x 338 - 180K

OpenGL -1.jpg
600 x 338 - 83K

3DLite -1 and 2.gif
600 x 338 - 88K
Post edited by Bryan Valencia on
Also, there SHOULD be an easy way to ^C copy a whole tab of settings as text just for cases like this.
no UV maps can cause issues, and likely will cause them.
That is just brilliant. I made this in Wings3d, and I didn't UV map it because I planned to just color it in DAZ.
Hair does this due to the tansparency maps on it.