DAZ making my system freeze up

I was working on a project, only Daz 4.10 open, when the computer stopped responding to clicks. Nothing would highlight and be selected. Nothing wrong with the mouse, it roams freely. I reinstalled Windows, wiping out all my files. I have my content library/runtimes on an external hard drive so nothing was lost (I highly recommend that your content directories be moved off your C drive and just the program resides there so you will be always have, and be working from a backup source).After I installed Windows, I have Roboform, a n online password manager, and I was able to log into Driver Support and it restored all my drivers from the CPU up to the wireless mouse trackball I use. Everything works fine. I reinstalled Daz, no problems. I open a file and add a character, and the same problem reappears- the system locks up. My Windows updates download but don't complete being installed. I can't close windows. Everything is greyed out and not selectable. Given the complete reinstallation of Windows and drivers, and only Daz installed as the only x64 program, it has to be DAZ doing this. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, any workarounds or bug fixes? I couldn't submit a bug report because the program hasn't crashed- it's making Windows itself lock up. Failing that, is there a way to roll back to 4.9 where this was never a problem? I know DAZ makes money by introducing new features that require new models and utilities, but if the progra itself isn't working they won't make any money or their vendors. I'll roll back to 4.9 gladly even if I have to turn off DAZ connect and install manager, I usually work offline. Is there an archive 4.9 file somewhere I can download if the problem with 4.10 can't be resolved? Thank you.
I am running an Asus 'barebones system, AMD 330mhz CPU, 32 GB memory, Windows 4.10. Efverything works fine- until DAZ shows up.
It seems very unlikely that DS could do that, except if there's an issue in the video driver that DS is triggering (which itself seems pretty unlikely).
Does ALT+TAB works ? will CTRL+ALT+DELETE bring up the task manager or are they dead also ?
A windows application is sandboxed on it's own, it can't lock up windows, they only way for that to happen is when it calls kernel code or drivers or in some other way cross the user/kernel barrier so yes, check your OpenGL driver, version ? type of card ?
I have a Nvidea GT Force 630 card, and as I said, I completely wiped out the drive reinstalled Windows, reinstalled and updated the drivers and A/V software (Norton 360). So if I also optimize my system with System Mechanic, which was also reinstalled. I'm puzzled because after completely reaming out my system and reinstalling everything from the ground up it still happens. As for your first question, I haven't tried the keyboard shortcuts because I actually have task manager as a taskbar shortcut, because I monitor the performance of Iray on memory and CPU usage. Windows has finished updating and I've run multiple passes of Driver Support, Norton and System Mechanics with no incident so everything is up-to-date and optimized as it possibly could be. I hope there will be no further problems. The video card is working correctly, I ran Driver Support across the entire system three times to verify everything is absolutely pristine. Not sure which version open GL I have but it's above the minimum required 3.1 as DAZ won't support 3.0 or below. Well, case closed then, if it's not the software its the computer itself. Thank God I work and save on external hard drives, I could have lost everything, in this case I only lost my render library and my Bryce presets library. I have my Bryce files off the C drive so i can reassemble the textures, objects and skies saved in the files themselves.
I'd be a bit suspicious of any system tuning tool, to be honest. had you run that before the freeze?
I' actually have this problem too. I use DAZ on 2 computers a 16GB laptop and 32GB Dessktop and the problem appears on both. The desktp has a Nvidia 730 graphics card, The laptop has a dedicated Intel graphics processor.
There are other problems too-- extremely long load times (2-3 hours) and seemingly random crashing. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling DAZ and a complete system reformat. BTW, my library folder is in the Public user folder, just like in the old days. When I reinstall DAZ it always goes back to that onfigurattion,
Is it the application that is slow to load or the content? If it's the application, does the splash screen have the same message at the bottom for most of the time?
It is the content that is slow to load.
Another strange tbing== sometimes deleting an object takes a very lomg time.
Are you using the same security software on both systems?
windows Defender on both.
Any other low-level utilities?
Can't think of anything that is common to both systems.
Sorry, I was misremembering the original post and thinking the two machines were behaving differently. Try discounnecting one of them from the net, turning Windows Defender off, and seeing if that changes the behaviour.
I actually tried that, although Defender is impossible to completely turn off in this newest version. Gonna try booting into safe mode.
Even when you have no applications open; there are many open due to the OS, and due to settings on applications you installed (and perhaps if relevant who you purchased the PC from), applications can be set to start during the start up process; a very good example is some form of firewall and AV software.
Norton hosed one of my computers years ago. Made it unworkable.
You never said which version of Windows. Next time, go back to a version of Windows that last worked using System Restore in Safe Mode. Better than reinstalling everything. DAZ Studio will freeze once in a great while, but never what you're saying. A power glitch of some kind (a phase change) could do what you said originally happened
I recently experienced a power glitch that happened while I was booting up and opening Chrome. The registry had been damaged. Using chkdsk, and System Restore in Safe Mode saved the day. Only had to reinstall a couple of programs including Chrome. A good battery backup is on my list after tax day.
Thanks for your comment, Kevin Sanderson. I was thinking of switching to Norton, but now I won't. I was told to stay away from McAfee as well,
BTW, Daz won't run in safe mode because it needs a minimum of OpenCL 1.3.
I was only talking about fixing Windows in Safe Mode. DAZ Studio is not your problem.
I think I've fixed it. There were thousands of V4 deformers hidden in the scene file (strange since I didn't have any v4 characters in the scene). I assume it was making the file so large it slowed Daz to a standstill
Brycescaper, if you haven't fixed the problem, try right clicking on the scene tab. chose "Show" then "hidden items" and see what comes up.