Frustration/confusion updating content locations

OK, so my entire library has been installled over the many years via DIM onto my D drive in a standard way: My DAZ3D Library >> People, Poses, Data, Etc
Now, I have changed the Studio Connect directory to the D drive... no problem.
But it is installing everything into the data folder and adding a new cloud folder. *brow furrows*
So even if I re-install everything in the same directory, I am going to have 2 copies of everything? One in my original runtime and now one in the cloud runtime.
*brow furrows more*
Can I stop that. I want to install and overwrite in the original location, not have doubles of everything.
Thanks :)
The Connect data is, as you say, installed to the data/Cloud folder. This keeps each product separate from all other products, avoiding the issues that could occur with DIM if two products used the same file. Once you have the Connect version of a product isntalled DS will ignore the DIM install, so you can uninstall that content.
Thanks, Richard.
I understand now. :)