Few problems with shader mixer

I've been trying to make my own iRay shaders for past few weeks by I encountered so many problems I can't even remember them all, can somebody help me start please? some of my problems are:

  1. I can't find any good, recent tutorials.
  2. the documentation is all links to "Page Not Found" and "you don't have permission to access this page" pages.
  3. can't find any explanation about the bricks and what each one of them do
  4. created a primitive, applied uber shader to it, imported it to shader mixer and applied it without any change and everything in the editor changed. I can't even reverse engineer a shader to find out which brick is attached to which parameter...
  5. how do I even create a bare minimum iRay shader?



  • Using the File>New command in the Shader Mixer pane (not the main File emnu) while iray is the current redner engine will give a basic starting point. Iray shaders do seem to be more complex than 3Delight shaders, or to be made of lower-level bricks so that they look more complex at least.

  • thanks, that solved my problem number 5, and oddly I understand those bricks. now I remembered three other problems:

    1. is there something wrong with brick preview? it doesn't show the usual sphere.
    2. where's the brick for rounded corners
    3. how can I search in the bricks for a specific function


  • 1 No, the preview doesn't work for iray only for 3Delight.

    3 There isn't a search function, as far as I am aware

  • thanks Richard, can anybody answer my remaining problems?

    1. where I can find any good, recent tutorials?
    2. the documentation is all links to "Page Not Found" and "you don't have permission to access this page" pages. where can I find information about the shader mixer?
    3. where can I find some explanation about the bricks and what each one of them do?
    4. created a primitive, applied uber shader to it, imported it to shader mixer and applied it without any change and everything in the editor changed. what have gone wrong?
    5. where's the brick for rounded corners?
  • 4. may, at least in part, be because the original sahder has various proeprties set to auto-hide when not relevant (for example, if the emissive colour is black the emissive temperature and luminance will be hidden). When you import into Shader Mixer and re-export that is lost and all properties are visible.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Documentation? Hahahahahahahahaha


    yeah, basically, stumble around and try stuff. And memorize where everything is.


  • ok, I'll give up on iRay and use UV maps instead, however I would need the rounded corners to keep my poly count low, how can I add it to a new shader?

  • hphoenixhphoenix Posts: 1,335

    3 There isn't a search function, as far as I am aware

    ...and this is a horrible oversight.  With the number of blocks in the list now, finding ANYTHING in the lists is a HUGE timesink.  A search box in the shader mixer is a MUCH NEEDED addition.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    I counted 560+ Iray related bricks, definitely a search filter is needed.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    This is the list of Iray(MDL) related bricks, I suggest saving to a text file. This list should save some time.

    Geometric/Bump Or Normal MapGeometric/Special/DS Calc DisplacementGeometric/Special/Texture Instance DisplacementGeometric/Texture Instance Bump MapGeometric/Texture Instance Normal MapMathematical/Operators/AddMathematical/Operators/DivideMathematical/Operators/EqualMathematical/Operators/Greater ThanMathematical/Operators/Greater Than Or EqualMathematical/Operators/Less ThanMathematical/Operators/Less Than Or EqualMathematical/Operators/Logical ANDMathematical/Operators/Logical ORMathematical/Operators/MultiplyMathematical/Operators/NotMathematical/Operators/Not EqualMathematical/Operators/SubtractMathematical/Operators/Unary SubtractMathematical/Standard Functions/AbsMathematical/Standard Functions/AcosMathematical/Standard Functions/AsinMathematical/Standard Functions/AtanMathematical/Standard Functions/Atan2Mathematical/Standard Functions/AverageMathematical/Standard Functions/CeilMathematical/Standard Functions/CosMathematical/Standard Functions/DegreesMathematical/Standard Functions/DistanceMathematical/Standard Functions/DotMathematical/Standard Functions/ExpMathematical/Standard Functions/Exp2Mathematical/Standard Functions/FloorMathematical/Standard Functions/FmodMathematical/Standard Functions/IsfiniteMathematical/Standard Functions/IsnanMathematical/Standard Functions/LengthMathematical/Standard Functions/LogMathematical/Standard Functions/Log10Mathematical/Standard Functions/Log2Mathematical/Standard Functions/LuminanceMathematical/Standard Functions/MaxMathematical/Standard Functions/Max ValueMathematical/Standard Functions/MinMathematical/Standard Functions/Min ValueMathematical/Standard Functions/NormalizeMathematical/Standard Functions/PowMathematical/Standard Functions/RadiansMathematical/Standard Functions/RoundMathematical/Standard Functions/RsqrtMathematical/Standard Functions/SaturateMathematical/Standard Functions/SignMathematical/Standard Functions/SinMathematical/Standard Functions/SqrtMathematical/Standard Functions/StepMathematical/Standard Functions/TanMDL/Built Ins/BSDFMDL/Built Ins/EDFMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool2/Bool2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool2/Bool2 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool2/Bool2 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool3/Bool3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool3/Bool3 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool3/Bool3 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool3/Bool3 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool4/Bool4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool4/Bool4 Get WMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool4/Bool4 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool4/Bool4 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Bool4/Bool4 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2/Double2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2/Double2 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2/Double2 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2x2/Double2x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2x3/Double2x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double2x4/Double2x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3/Double3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3/Double3 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3/Double3 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3/Double3 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3x2/Double3x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3x3/Double3x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double3x4/Double3x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4/Double4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4/Double4 Get WMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4/Double4 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4/Double4 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4/Double4 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4x2/Double4x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4x3/Double4x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Double4x4/Double4x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2/Float2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2/Float2 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2/Float2 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2x2/Float2x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2x3/Float2x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float2x4/Float2x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3/Float3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3/Float3 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3/Float3 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3/Float3 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3x2/Float3x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3x3/Float3x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float3x4/Float3x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4/Float4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4/Float4 Get WMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4/Float4 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4/Float4 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4/Float4 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4x2/Float4x2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4x3/Float4x3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Float4x4/Float4x4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int2/Int2 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int2/Int2 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int2/Int2 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int3/Int3 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int3/Int3 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int3/Int3 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int3/Int3 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int4/Int4 [I]MDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int4/Int4 Get WMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int4/Int4 Get XMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int4/Int4 Get YMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Int4/Int4 Get ZMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Emission/Material Emission Get EmissionMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Emission/Material Emission Get IntensityMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Emission/Material Emission Get ModeMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Geometry/Material Geometry Get Cutout OpacityMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Geometry/Material Geometry Get DisplacementMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Geometry/Material Geometry Get NormalMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Surface/Material Surface Get EmissionMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Surface/Material Surface Get ScatteringMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Volume/Material Volume Get Absorption CoefficientMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Volume/Material Volume Get ScatteringMDL/Built Ins/Types/Accessors/Material Volume/Material Volume Get Scattering CoefficientMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool2/Bool2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/BoolMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool2/Bool2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool2/Bool2 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool3/Bool3 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool3/Bool3 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool4/Bool4 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Bool4/Bool4 4 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/BSDF Measurement/BSDF Measurement 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/BSDF Measurement/BSDF Measurement DefaultMDL/Built Ins/Types/Color/Color 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Color/Color 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Color/Color 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/DoubleMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2/Double2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2/Double2 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x2/Double2x2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x2/Double2x2 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x2/Double2x2 4 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x3/Double2x3 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x3/Double2x3 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x3/Double2x3 6 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x4/Double2x4 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x4/Double2x4 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double2x4/Double2x4 8 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3/Double3 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3/Double3 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x2/Double3x2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x2/Double3x2 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x2/Double3x2 6 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x3/Double3x3 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x3/Double3x3 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x3/Double3x3 9 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x4/Double3x4 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x4/Double3x4 12 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double3x4/Double3x4 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double4/Double4 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double4/Double4 4 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double4x2/Double4x2 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Double4x2/Double4x2 4 InputsMDL/Built 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Ins/Types/Int3/Int3 3 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Int4/Int4 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Int4/Int4 4 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Light Profile/Light Profile 1 InputMDL/Built Ins/Types/Light Profile/Light Profile DefaultMDL/Built Ins/Types/Material EmissionMDL/Built Ins/Types/Material GeometryMDL/Built Ins/Types/Material SurfaceMDL/Built Ins/Types/Material VolumeMDL/Built Ins/Types/Texture 2d/Texture 2d 2 InputsMDL/Built Ins/Types/Texture 2d/Texture 2d DefaultMDL/Built Ins/VDFMDL/Custom MDLMDL/Default Modules/base/Abbe Number IORMDL/Default Modules/base/Anisotropy ConversionMDL/Default Modules/base/Apply Noise ModificationsMDL/Default Modules/base/Arch ColortweakMDL/Default Modules/base/Arch SkyvectortweakMDL/Default Modules/base/Arch VectortweakMDL/Default Modules/base/Architectural Gloss To RoughMDL/Default Modules/base/Blend Color LayersMDL/Default Modules/base/Blend ColorsMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc Env Color/Calc Env Color 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc Env Color/Calc Env Color 3 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc IrradMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc Physical ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc Sun ColorMDL/Default Modules/base/Calc Sun Disk ColorMDL/Default Modules/base/Checker Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Checker TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Air MassMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Cubic TransformMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Cylindric TransformMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Diffuse IlluminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Direct IlluminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute EccentricityMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Perez All WeatherMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Perez BrightnessMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Perez ClearnessMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Perez Coefficients PreethamMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Perez ParamsMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Spheric ProjectionMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Spheric TransformMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Tangents/Compute Tangents 1 InputMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Tangents/Compute Tangents 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Compute Unscaled Sun IlluminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Coordinate ProjectionMDL/Default Modules/base/Coordinate SourceMDL/Default Modules/base/Environment SphericalMDL/Default Modules/base/Eval CheckerMDL/Default Modules/base/Eval PerezMDL/Default Modules/base/Eval Tile FunctionMDL/Default Modules/base/FadeMDL/Default Modules/base/File Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/File TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Flake Noise Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Flake Noise TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Flow NoiseMDL/Default Modules/base/Flow Noise Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Flow Noise TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Get Clearness CategoryMDL/Default Modules/base/Gloss To RoughMDL/Default Modules/base/Grad Flow2MDL/Default Modules/base/Grad128/Grad128 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Grad128/Grad128 3 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Grad128/Grad128 5 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient Get ColorMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient Get PositionMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient InterpolateMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient3 Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient3 RecolorMDL/Default Modules/base/Gradient3 TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Hsv To RgbMDL/Default Modules/base/HueMDL/Default Modules/base/Interpolate Texspace LMDL/Default Modules/base/Length Chebyshev/Length Chebyshev 1 InputMDL/Default Modules/base/Length Chebyshev/Length Chebyshev 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Length Manhattan/Length Manhattan 1 InputMDL/Default Modules/base/Length Manhattan/Length Manhattan 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Mi Lib Square To DiskMDL/Default Modules/base/Mi NoiseMDL/Default Modules/base/Mi Reflection Dir Diffuse XMDL/Default Modules/base/Night Brightness AdjustmentMDL/Default Modules/base/Perez Sun And SkyMDL/Default Modules/base/Perez Sun And Sky InitMDL/Default Modules/base/Perlin NoiseMDL/Default Modules/base/Perlin Noise Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Perlin Noise TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Permute Flow2MDL/Default Modules/base/Radinv2MDL/Default Modules/base/RidgeMDL/Default Modules/base/Rotation Translation ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/SaturationMDL/Default Modules/base/Sellmeier Coefficients IORMDL/Default Modules/base/Sky Color XyzMDL/Default Modules/base/Sky LuminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Sqr CbrtfMDL/Default Modules/base/SqrlengthMDL/Default Modules/base/Summed Flow Noise2MDL/Default Modules/base/Summed Perlin NoiseMDL/Default Modules/base/Sun And SkyMDL/Default Modules/base/Tangent Space Normal TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Texel AlphaMDL/Default Modules/base/Texel AverageMDL/Default Modules/base/Texel LookupMDL/Default Modules/base/Texel LuminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Texel MaximumMDL/Default Modules/base/Texremapu/Texremapu 4 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Texremapu/Texremapu 5 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Tile Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Tile TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Transform CoordinateMDL/Default Modules/base/Tweak SaturationMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Anisotropy Return/Anisotropy Return Get Roughness UMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Anisotropy Return/Anisotropy Return Get Roughness VMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Anisotropy Return/Anisotropy Return Get Tangent UMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Color Layer/Color Layer Get Layer ColorMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Color Layer/Color Layer Get ModeMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Color Layer/Color Layer Get WeightMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Int[256]/Int[256] [I]MDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Noise Return/Noise Return Get GradMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Noise Return/Noise Return Get ValMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Coefficients/Perez Coefficients Get CMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data/Perez Data Get AbcdeMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data/Perez Data Get Perez Lum ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data/Perez Data Get Sky Illuminance RgbMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data/Perez Data Get Sun IlluminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data Preetham/Perez Data Preetham Get Perez X ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data Preetham/Perez Data Preetham Get Perez Y ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data Preetham/Perez Data Preetham Get XMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Data Preetham/Perez Data Preetham Get YMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Clamped Sun DirMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get FactorMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Ground LuminanceMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Perez Data LumMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Perez Data XyMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Sun ColorMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get Sun Disk Intensity ScaleMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Perez Sun And Sky Data/Perez Sun And Sky Data Get TurbidityMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Texture Coordinate Info/Texture Coordinate Info Get PositionMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Texture Coordinate Info/Texture Coordinate Info Get Tangent UMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Texture Coordinate Info/Texture Coordinate Info Get Tangent VMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Texture Return/Texture Return Get MonoMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Texture Return/Texture Return Get TintMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Tiledata/Tiledata Get Color ResultMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Tiledata/Tiledata Get Is In TileMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Worley Return/Worley Return Get Nearest Pos 0MDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Worley Return/Worley Return Get Nearest Pos 1MDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Accessors/Worley Return/Worley Return Get ValMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Anisotropy ReturnMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Color LayerMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Noise ReturnMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Texture Coordinate InfoMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/Texture ReturnMDL/Default Modules/base/Types/TiledataMDL/Default Modules/base/Volume CoefficientMDL/Default Modules/base/Worley Noise/Worley Noise 3 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Worley Noise/Worley Noise 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/base/Worley Noise Bump TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Worley Noise TextureMDL/Default Modules/base/Xyz2dirMDL/Default Modules/df/Anisotropic VDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Backscattering Glossy Reflection BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/BSDF Measurement IsvalidMDL/Default Modules/df/Clamped Mix BSDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Clamped Mix EDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Clamped Mix VDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Custom Curve LayerMDL/Default Modules/df/Diffuse EDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Diffuse Reflection BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Diffuse Transmission BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Directional FactorMDL/Default Modules/df/Fresnel LayerMDL/Default Modules/df/Light Profile IsvalidMDL/Default Modules/df/Light Profile MaximumMDL/Default Modules/df/Light Profile PowerMDL/Default Modules/df/Measured BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Measured Curve FactorMDL/Default Modules/df/Measured Curve LayerMDL/Default Modules/df/Measured EDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Microfacet Beckmann Smith BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Microfacet Beckmann Vcavities BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Microfacet Ggx Smith BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Microfacet Ggx Vcavities BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Normalized Mix BSDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Normalized Mix EDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Normalized Mix VDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Simple Glossy BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Specular BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Spot EDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Thin FilmMDL/Default Modules/df/TintMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/BSDF Component/BSDF Component Get ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/BSDF Component/BSDF Component Get WeightMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/EDF Component/EDF Component Get ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/EDF Component/EDF Component Get WeightMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/VDF Component/VDF Component Get ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/Accessors/VDF Component/VDF Component Get WeightMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/BSDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/EDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Types/VDF ComponentMDL/Default Modules/df/Ward Geisler Moroder BSDFMDL/Default Modules/df/Weighted LayerMDL/Default Modules/math/AllMDL/Default Modules/math/AnyMDL/Default Modules/math/BlackbodyMDL/Default Modules/math/ClampMDL/Default Modules/math/CrossMDL/Default Modules/math/Emission Color/Emission Color 1 InputMDL/Default Modules/math/Emission Color/Emission Color 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/math/FracMDL/Default Modules/math/LerpMDL/Default Modules/math/ModfMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Bitwise AndMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Bitwise NegateMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Bitwise ORMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Bitwise XORMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Left ShiftMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/ModMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Signed Right ShiftMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Unary AddMDL/Default Modules/math/Operators/Unsigned Right ShiftMDL/Default Modules/math/SincosMDL/Default Modules/math/SmoothstepMDL/Default Modules/math/TransposeMDL/Default Modules/state/Animation TimeMDL/Default Modules/state/DirectionMDL/Default Modules/state/Geometry NormalMDL/Default Modules/state/Geometry Tangent UMDL/Default Modules/state/Geometry Tangent VMDL/Default Modules/state/Meters Per Scene UnitMDL/Default Modules/state/MotionMDL/Default Modules/state/NormalMDL/Default Modules/state/Object IdMDL/Default Modules/state/PositionMDL/Default Modules/state/Rounded Corner NormalMDL/Default Modules/state/Scene Units Per MeterMDL/Default Modules/state/Tangent SpaceMDL/Default Modules/state/Texture CoordinateMDL/Default Modules/state/Texture Space MaxMDL/Default Modules/state/Texture Tangent UMDL/Default Modules/state/Texture Tangent VMDL/Default Modules/state/TransformMDL/Default Modules/state/Transform NormalMDL/Default Modules/state/Transform PointMDL/Default Modules/state/Transform ScaleMDL/Default Modules/state/Transform VectorMDL/Default Modules/state/Wavelength BaseMDL/Default Modules/state/Wavelength MaxMDL/Default Modules/state/Wavelength MinMDL/Default Modules/tex/DepthMDL/Default Modules/tex/HeightMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Color/Lookup Color 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Color/Lookup Color 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Color/Lookup Color 8 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float/Lookup Float 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float/Lookup Float 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float/Lookup Float 8 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float2/Lookup Float2 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float2/Lookup Float2 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float2/Lookup Float2 8 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float3/Lookup Float3 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float3/Lookup Float3 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float3/Lookup Float3 8 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float4/Lookup Float4 2 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float4/Lookup Float4 6 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Lookup Float4/Lookup Float4 8 InputsMDL/Default Modules/tex/Texel ColorMDL/Default Modules/tex/Texel FloatMDL/Default Modules/tex/Texel Float2MDL/Default Modules/tex/Texel Float3MDL/Default Modules/tex/Texel Float4MDL/Default Modules/tex/Texture IsvalidMDL/Default Modules/tex/WidthMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get BackfaceMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get GeometryMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get IORMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get SurfaceMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get Thin WalledMDL/Material Editors/Accessors/Material Get VolumeMDL/Material Editors/Add CutoutMDL/Material Editors/Add Global BumpMDL/Material Editors/Add Metal FlakesMDL/Material Editors/Apply Color FalloffMDL/Material Editors/Apply DustMDL/Material Editors/Clamped Surface MixMDL/Material Editors/Copy Backface To SurfaceMDL/Material Editors/Copy Surface To BackfaceMDL/Material Editors/Layering/Add Custom Curve LayerMDL/Material Editors/Layering/Add Fresnel Layer - ChromaticMDL/Material Editors/Layering/Add Fresnel Layer - MonoMDL/Material Editors/Layering/Add Measured Curve LayerMDL/Material Editors/Layering/Add Weighted LayerMDL/Material Editors/Normalized Surface MixMDL/Material Editors/Override Material FieldMDL/Material Editors/Swap Surface And BackfaceMDL/Material Editors/Thin Film/Add Thin Film - ChromaticMDL/Material Editors/Thin Film/Add Thin Film - MonoMDL/Material Editors/Tint/Add Directional FactorMDL/Material Editors/Tint/Add TintMDL/Material Editors/Tint/Measured Curve Factor - ArrayMDL/Material Editors/Tint/Measured Curve Factor - ValuesMDL/Material Editors/Top Coats/Add Custom Curve Top CoatMDL/Material Editors/Top Coats/Add Fresnel Top CoatMDL/Material Editors/Top Coats/Add Specular Color Top CoatMDL/Material Editors/Top Coats/Add Weighted Top CoatMDL/Material Editors/Uber Add EmissionMDL/Material Editors/Uber Add GeometryMDL/Material Editors/Uber Add VolumeMDL/Materials/Material - FieldsMDL/Materials/Material - StructsMDL/Materials/PBR Metallicity BaseMDL/Materials/PBR Specular BaseMDL/Materials/Simple/Scratched MetalMDL/Materials/Simple/Scratched PlasticMDL/Materials/Simple/Simple DiffuseMDL/Materials/Simple/Simple MetalMDL/Materials/Simple/Simple PlasticMDL/Materials/Simple/Thick GlassMDL/Materials/Simple/Thick TranslucentMDL/Materials/Simple/Thin GlassMDL/Materials/Simple/Thin TranslucentMDL/Materials/Uber Weighted BaseMDL/Procedural Textures/Blend ColorsMDL/Procedural Textures/Checker Bump TextureMDL/Procedural Textures/Checker TextureMDL/Procedural Textures/Perlin Noise Bump TextureMDL/Procedural Textures/Perlin Noise TextureMDL/Utility/Abbe Number DispersionMDL/Utility/Array BuilderMDL/Utility/Luminance UnitsMDL/Utility/Normalize ColorMDL/Utility/Square RoughnessMDL/Utility/Struct Get MembersTextures/Texture InstanceTextures/Texture TilerUtility/Choose ValueUtility/Direct ValueUtility/Enum ValueUtility/User ParametersMDL Surface
  • thank you jag11 that's a big help.

    Now I've found the "MDL/Default Modules/state/Rounded Corner Normal" and made a user input for it but I have no idea where to connect anything else and what other bricks I need, can I get some help please?

  • so the "Tech Support" was no help at all, can somebody tell me how to set up that "Rounded Corner Normal" brick please? I just need to know how to add it to a new shader.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    Returns a modified shading normal state::normal that is changed near surface mesh edges to blend smoothly into the shading normal of neighboring facets. Theresult of this function can be used to set the normal field of the material geometry structure, which results in a perceived look of smooth edges instead of a facetted look with hard edges. It can as well be combined with normal perturbation schemes.
    radius – influence radius around the edges within which the normal is modified. The radius is specified in meters in world space. A radius of 0.0 disables the rounded corners and this function just returns state::normal.
    across materials – normal smoothing happens only between facets of equal material, unless this parameter is set true, in which case the smoothing happens between facets irrespective of their materials.
    roundness – determines how round the edge will look. The valid range is between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.0 chamfers the edge and a value of 1.0 gives a rounded edge.

    Is this what you require? 

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    Most of this info is in the MDL language specification at http://mdlhandbook.com, So I think that's the reason Tech Support could'nt help. And here in the forums a very few people adventure in the uncharted shader mixer land. 

    Here is the link to a finished shader. The shader corresponds to the image below.

    Play with the shader and  give feed back of what it does or how does it work.

  • thank you jag11, the picture did the work, I managed to find the blocks in the picture and add the rounded corners to the new material. adding it to every material I have is a lengthy process specially adding the user controls, do you know any way to speed it up? for example grouping the bricks as one and save it as one brick

  • thank you jag11, the picture did the work, I managed to find the blocks in the picture and add the rounded corners to the new material. adding it to every material I have is a lengthy process specially adding the user controls, do you know any way to speed it up? for example grouping the bricks as one and save it as one brick

    That's exactly how to speed it up:  if you have a brick algorithm-- or even just a common brick you need to use in a certain dial setting over and over again-- save it out as a Custom Brick.  Name it something memorable, and make sure S/M can find your Custom Bricks library.  It will save hours down the line.

  • I'm trying to do that but the more I go forward, the more broken things I find in the shader mixer:

    • ctrl+g does nothing while we have to go to the "edit>group selected bricks" to group them
    • ungroup is in the bricks menu and not in the same menu as group
    • is it even possible to modify some grouped bricks without ungrouping them?
    • I can save bricks but there's no way to load them unless they are saved in a specefic folder
    • can't add the inputs to the brick itself, that's just some more connections we have to create again and again
    • it's been more than a week since I pointed out the "no search" problem for bricks and they haven't added it yet... that's some slow programming laughcheeky

    sometimes I wonder if daz developers ever looked at similar programs interface to learn a thing or two about how to design something that is actually user friendly

  • Well, Shader Mixer/Builder were among the first node-based editors for 3delight (and perhaps RSL in gernal) as I recall so there weren't that many diect comparisons - different shader systems lend themselves to different approaches, and those I've encountered all tend to require some digging.

  • hphoenixhphoenix Posts: 1,335
    • it's been more than a week since I pointed out the "no search" problem for bricks and they haven't added it yet... that's some slow programming laughcheeky

    The lack of a search function for bricks in Shader Mixer has been pointed out long ago.......It's been needed for some time, but since Shader Mixer and Shader Builder are two of the LEAST used areas (by end-users) they are probably pretty low priority for the developers.

    We keep hoping, but haven't seen any indications they're even working on it, or if it's even on the backlog of items.


  • hphoenix said:
    but since Shader Mixer and Shader Builder are two of the LEAST used areas (by end-users) they are probably pretty low priority for the developers.

    We keep hoping, but haven't seen any indications they're even working on it, or if it's even on the backlog of items.

    we don't use it because it's just terrible, I use blender's node editor everyday for everything, I bet there's even a node in it that will brew me a good coffee. a powerful node editor is the backbone of a powerful software and the big welcome sign to professionals

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