Multiple custom UV maps
How do I create multiple UV Maps for a mesh? I'd like to create a UV Map for the genesis figures where all the skin textures are on a single non-overlapping map so I can paint a full body texture map in Sculptris. Scultpris doesn't handle objects with overlapping texture maps unfortunately.
Export as OBJ (at base resolution), remap that, and import as a new UV Set going to Edit>Object>Geometry>Load UV set... or Edit>Figure>Geometry>Load UV set...
Thanks! That'll make things much easier.
I'm looking to do something similar. Is there a way to save/load just the UVs? Including the object mesh will make distributing the custom UVs impossible I guess?
This thread is worth taking a look at:
end result;
To note that to be redistributable, the uvmap has to be entirely your own work, not just changing around that which already exists for the product.
[not giving legal advice, it's just something I read in the forum].
Thanks a lot, that looks really useful.
I had a nagging suspition that there would be problems with distributing the modified UV maps. Since we're talking about small corrections, maybe 80% of the map will be almost identical to the original, so it's a bit silly, but better to be on the safe side I guess :)
Does make it a sliiiiightly bigger project than planned though :D