Resizing and moving an object in DS
I'm fairly new to DS and it seems to be a wonderful program, but I am having difficulty in figuring out how to move a figure or object to a different location from its original placement in the scene. I suspect the videos would show me, but I have difficulty following them because they move so fast and are so small in size. I've looked in the FAQs and other on-line written material but there is nothing dealing with these two issues as far as I can tell.
I have tried to scale by going to thel Tool menu and clicking on the Scale icon and I have tried the keyboard Alt+Shift+S all to no avail. Nothing seems to happen--and yes, I have the figure or object selected when I did both of these procedures.
Any assistance in helping me to resolve these issues will be appreciated very much. Thanks!
I am usually using the parameters tab to move and scale ...
Parameters tab / Transforms
You do have Gizmos (yes that is the proper name) for Translation, Rotation and Scaling under the Tools menu. This will give you a Gizmo in the Viewport window (working scene view) so you can use the mouse to Translate up down and sidways also known as Axis x, y and z. Or as Kerya said you can use the Parameters Pane when the item is selected to Translate, Rotate and Scale.
If you have one object fit to another, like clothing or hair to a figure note that the translate tools won't work on it. If you wanted to move that, you would need to set "fit to" to none first.
If you use the Universal tool, note that even though the selected part of the tool gets hightlighted right away, there is sometimes a slight delay after clicking down the mouse button before it actually applies that selection internally, so don't click and immediately drag or it might not do what you expect. For example, I'm often trying to click the axis arrow tip to translate the object, but when I start moving the mouse it starts rotating instead of translating. You have to click, WAIT A SECOND, then start moving the mouse.
Also, if you have a big scene, sometimes there is a delay before the object starts to move, so even though you are moving the mouse, it might take a moment before the viewport updates. Similarly, I have found that although one viewport might show the movement realtime, other viewports don't always display the movement realtime, and it isn't until you stop moving the mouse for a moment that it will redraw those.
Thank you all for your very quick and helpful replies. My DS experience will be a lot less frustrating, thanks to you!