Ignore Body Parts for Fitting?
Apologies if this has been asked before, but it seems there should be a way to tell certain pieces of clothing to ignore certain body parts. For example no clothing should be projecting on the hands, yet it does when they are posed close together.
Is there anyway to have clothing ignore select parts?
Thank you.
The genesis bikini bottom likes to attach on the hand when it is placed near it
Select the Bottom open Parameters, use the mini Menu to set Show Hidden (Mini menu is the four lines), find any morhps for the hands or fingers and ZERO them. That should work.
Try playing with the collision setting. IIRC I read somewhere that turning it down can fix this.
It most likely is the collision from the Smoothing modifier as the Genesis Bikini has Mesh Smoothing enabled by default...
The default collision setting is 3, so you can turn it down like Pendraia suggests, but if that still doesn't completely fix it, just try moving the hand slightly away from the surface of Genesis until the bikini no longer wraps around the hand...
Since the bikini is set to collide with Genesis, if another part of the body is intersecting itself, then the bikini no longer thinks of the two body parts a being separate, so it wraps around the intersecting parts as if they were one... because the collision target has to be the "Root" of the figure...
Hope this helps... :)
Thank you everyone, based on your replies I think I have it fixed now.