"Linking" Daz Install Manager to old Studio installation. Is it possible ?

If this is in the wrong category, feel free to move/close it. I just changed computers ; on my old one, I installed Daz Studio, and the content library, to an external hard drive, because of storage issues. I have a brand-new computer and just re-installed DIM. I know I COULD manually re-install everything, but it'd be so much easier and efficient if I could just make the Manager recognize an old installation of Daz - "link" it, so to speak. Just changing the paths in the settings does nothing. Is this possible, or am I going to have to re-install everything ?
Thanks !
Did you copy the Manifests folder over from the old machine, from the Install Manager folder in the Public Documents folder? That is what tells DIM what is isnbtalled, and to where. You would also want the CMS database from the old system.
Oh ? Is this CMS database located in the DAZ install ? Or somewhere else ?
The database is in the content Cluster folder - in DS Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings tab. The default is C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\cms\ContentCluster. You should not copy/paste it while PostgreSQL is running.
All right, thanks a bunch !