My renders keep trying to use my CPU instead of the GPU's...

Hey folks, having some grief at the moment with DAZ trying to render off my CPU instead of the graphics cards I have set up.
I'm not sure why this is happening as the scenes themselves are very small and coming nowhere near the GPU's memory limit (I only say this as I believe that if you compose a scene too big for the GPU's to handle then Daz reverts back to the CPU. That is certainly not the case in this instance)
It started happening on and off about a month or two ago but now it's happening every single day. I haven't been able to produce any work for the last week because of it. I was just wondering, is anyone else having issues? If so, any fixes that you know of?
I've rebooted a million and one times, changed drivers, dumped memory but nothing is working. Also, I tried opening scenes that I created and rendered a few weeks back (as I know from experience the computer handled them just fine) but now they too fall victim to the CPU trying to do all the rendering.
Any advise or feedback will be happily reiceved with my scinserest grattitude
Does anything in my thread here sound like the problem you're having? If so, maybe try using an older version of DS or dropping back to an earlier CUDA driver. That's helped me get my GPU working for renders again.
Have you had a look in the log file to see if there is any information about why hiding in there ?
Hi Mary & Mikael, thanks for getting back to me, I really appreciate it
2018-01-25 02:05:17.203 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.0 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 1 (GeForce GTX 1080 Ti): unspecified launch failure (while de-allocating memory)
This is the log error I'm getting, it repeats a number of times. I have no idea what this means. I have 2 x GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Graphics cards with 8GB on each, so I just can't figure out why it would revert back to CPU. nor can I work out while files I had no problem rendering a week or two ago now fail on me. It's got me stumped!
I've tried rolling back my drivers a few months but alas, that didn't seem to fix it either
Any ideas?
Try actually uninstalling the driver, then installing the new (or newish) one. Apparently an upgrade isntall sometimes leaves bits behind that can cause issues.
If they are 1080TIs they should have 11GB each. Also, are you running Windows 10? Windows 10 has a bad habit of loading "not exactly Nvidia official" drivers.
Went through Nvidia's website for the drivers so they're definetly from them. As for the driver regressions, they were done clean, still no luck. Every test I run tells me the GPU's are running perfect. I don't know why DAZ keeps telling me they failed and reverting back to the CPU
Have you tried starting with a blank scene, creating a sphere primitive, and seeing if that will render?
If these tests are saying you've only got 8GB on each 1080ti, then you have 2 broken 1080tis.
Did you try to load a BIOS into it through GPU-Z before this happened?
Make sure that CPU isn't checked on the Advanced tab in Render Settings. It appears twice on that tab, as will your GPUs.
any luck resolving this issue? I am having the exact same problem and I also have 2 1080 ti cards
NO I take back my previous comment. Its still doing it. Still using the cpu after several clean renders with the GPU. So its not the overclocking
I too am having this problem, been looking around for a fix but had no luck.
I also have 2 1080Ti's.
I started having this problem today randomly...
I just reinstalled Daz3D, it worked for a little while and then it stopped again
If you do a number of consecutive renders and leave the render windows open, it is possible to exceed the VRAM of your cards.
There's clean (Nvidia or AMD), and there's properly clean; use Display Driver Uninstaller to get rid of all the Crap the official installers leave behind.
same problem here, i have 4,5k laptop with 2x GTX1070 (disabled SLI) i have only 1 male character loaded in the scen from the Hip Hop bundle and the clothing. when i try to render Daz is rendering it on CPU.
i double checked all described things on the net and it still wont render correctly on GPY. I guess its a bug? as many people facing the same problem.
this worked for me