How do u load a shaping preset?

Take for example u spent a lot of time and effort shaping your g8 figure and you wanted to load those same exact edits u made in the sliders later so u dont have to go through the trouble of re-shaping your character throught shaping tab. How would you do this?
File>Save As>Shaping Preset
The file will appear in your Content Library if the directory it is saved to is in your Content Library.
For example, if you save it to C:\Users\yourname\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Presets\Shaping, you will have to add that Base Directory to your Content Library if it's not already there.
Alternatively, you can save it to your main Daz Content folder, wherever you put that, and it will appear there.
It doesn't automatically add itself to the Smart Content options.
Or just save it as a Scene file and Merge that into another Scene.
Just wanted to say thank you for posting this. It totally helped!