Export OBJ, then import same OBJ -> Vertex Mismatch

I am new to Daz and really trying to make it work for my purposes but not having much luck here.
I am trying to do what I thought would be relatively simple: make a few custom morphs for the Genesis 8 base male.
However, it is proving to be a complete nightmare. I tried for a long time to make the Goz bridge to ZBrush work. However, the only way I can get the body into ZBrush through Goz is to delete the eyelashes in Daz before clicking send to ZBrush. Otherwise, the body flashes in the tool selector for a millisecond in ZBrush, then gets replaced by the eyelashes.
Alright, so I gave up there and decided to go with what I assume is probably the older method: Export obj, edit obj, import obj using morph loader from the edit menu. No luck again, I spent a long time fiddling in ZBrush because my log keeps telling me there was a vertex count error. I decided hmmm, lets see if the issue is even what I am doing in ZBrush at all. Apparently not. If I export OBJ from Daz and then go right to Morph Loader and select the file I just exported without touching it in any other program, still vertex count error.
It is getting really frustrating being unable to accomplish something that should be so simple.
When you create morphs for genesis, use the utilities in the development directory rather than the default genesis. You load the dev genesis here, without the eyelashes and bellybutton using "Genesis 8 Male Dev Load", then you export using the script to the left, which also should turn off the HD teeth.
Two things:
When exporting genesis for morphing, make sure the object/figure is at base resolution. (Check parameters tab.) Morphloader with the default settings expects the morph to match the base resolution order and vertex count.
When using GoZ with more than one figure/object with things parented, Check the subtool count in Zbrush. All the pieces should be there, just select the right subtool on the Tools pallet (in this case, G8s body) and GoZ as normal. GoZ will send the morph back to the right component.