I may be crazy, but...

I seem to remember that someone found a way to convert V4 clothing to Genesis with morphs intact using the COntent Creation tools. If I'm right, could someone point me in the direction of that thread (or just tell me how to do it)?
If I'm wrong, and I have lost my mind, just tell me and I'll go about my crazy business.
I remember seeing that mentioned but i think it was on the old forum. i do not remember where the details were though.
I think with DS4.5 the thing that converts the clothing will leave the morphs intact.
Oh my it is midnight and time for me to go to sleep. If you have lost your mind about this, then I have lost my mind too.
I think it was on the old forum as well. In fact, I had a link to it...but that obviously doesn't work anymore.
(on a side note, I'm glad to see I wasn't crazy)
If you have the link, just add the word "archive" immediately after the word "forum"
eg. http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/index.php
AutoFit keeps morphs intact since DAZ Studio :)
This is the Transfer Utility way in case you have an earlier version (4.5 is working great for me so far. AutoFit indeed keeps morphs).
1- Convert clothes to TriAx weight map. (Edit►Figure►Rigging)
2- Transfer Utility:
Source: Genesis
Item Shape: Clone (select the character the clothes belongs to)
Target: Clothes
3- show extended options and check Reverse source shape from target. Optionally pick a template, as you would using AutoFit.
Hope this helps!
Off topic, but where, might one ask, could one get A version of Autofit that works plus a version of Studio that doesn't break all the plugins would be quite nice, and the last official version anyone seems to mention is
On topic, one of the posts where these settings were discussed in the old forum is in the thread "Converting V4/M4 Clothing to Genesis - advanced techniques?", and also this image contains the settings Soto mentions above.
Off topic, but where, might one ask, could one get A version of Autofit that works plus a version of Studio that doesn't break all the plugins would be quite nice, and the last official version anyone seems to mention is
Good question. I´m just reading this:
But who knows if something beyond has been released. It would be a nice touch to have as an update to the current DS version before 4.5, giving how cool is to finally have morphs in AutoFitted clothes.
What you're looking for is the 4.5 Release Candidate, which is over here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/1900/
I recommend reading everything, as 4.5 is not compatible with 4.0 on the same machine, and 4.0 plugins will not work with 4.5 (such as GenX, Dynamic Cloth Plugin, etc).
Good question. I´m just reading this:
But who knows if something beyond has been released. It would be a nice touch to have as an update to the current DS version before 4.5, giving how cool is to finally have morphs in AutoFitted clothes.
It's quite possible that 4.1 would have broken plugins too - it has a change in the second digit, from 0 to 1, which indicates a significant step.
4.5 also automatically fixes the feet and hands when using gen4 poses.
I have played daz only from April,
So I do not feel "my way" is properly and right", but I have remaked some V4wear and props for genesis,
by ds 4.0.3 ver pro. It can keep original morphs of Gen 4 figure.
(I feel, transfer utilty Not keep " pose preset of the wear", or "morphforms which change the bone of the wear")
if I hope so, I should set weight mapping and correct rig)
Jc sato explained basic way, I want to plus some.
After "transfer", I think You may need to remove some duplicate bones of the wear,
by Joint editor tool.(CCT)
( It seems if there is option for remove them automatically,
but I can not find the way yet, and if I cange some option it cause another problems )
If you do not remove duplictate bones, and save it as figure or prop,
you may see "duplicate error" when you load it.
(though you can load , It is just noizy alarm)
and "remake wear for genesis" often not so much genesis basic shape.
the shape around breast is especially so tight.
so I send it to hexagon by "hexagon bridge", and after reshape it,
export , as "wavefront obj."
(do not use" hexagon bridge" to send it buck ds4 as .obj.
I can send buck it as obj, but can not use transfer utility on it, you may get only "noname obj")
Import the "remake obj" to daz4, then copy "born" , "morph" , "weight map" "surface group",
"node groups" etc from your "remake wear for genesis"
to "remake. obj" by transfer utility again.
then I set manually texture and surface value same as original products.
I hope someone who has more knowledge, show how to and correct my way.
and If you want to change the morph which applyed on your wear automatically,
when you change genesis shape by the morphs.
I think this movie tutorial is good.
(editted append the tutorial )
I want to lern about general options and extended options of transfer Utilty into details.
eg, when should I use the option, and the result of the option.
I have tried one by one, but I have not cleary undersatnd yet.
In General Options ► Weight Maps there is an option to “Remove Unused Bones”, but its ON by default.
So ... would you know if the standalone Autofit currently in the store is the upgraded version that transfers morphs? Or if there are any plans to make that available as a small release before 4.5? My guess is this probably isn't in the plans -- and even if it was, I suspect all sorts of release plans have been altered by the impressively painful process of getting the store up, judging from how many PAs seem to have absolutely no idea what's happening with products previously scheduled for release -- but it would be nice if people could get the improved Autofit as an interim step.
After all, judging from the posting of RCs for 4.5 and the process for Carrara, it looks like Studio 4.5 is going to have a fairly lengthy public testing process. And even though the version 4.5 SDK is out, who knows how long it will be before plugins get updated? After all, vendors probably aren't going to want to support two different incompatible plugins any longer than they have to, and they won't be releasing those major updates before the program is out and stable (...ish).
@JC Soto
I check the option (remove unused bone), ( yes it is default option)
But I think It does not remove duplicate bones .
(do you set scene tab option "show hiden node"? it may shows duplicate hiden bone)
On your version ds4pro , the option may remove correctly duplicate bones?
I very much doubt that the download is any more up to date than the version included with DS, as far as I know the only current way to get the morph retention is to use DS4.5RC, and the files it creates won't work in DS4.0 so you can't even run 4.5 under Windows 8 RP and then port the files across to your 4.0 version.
Yes, everything seems fine to me. No duplicate bones.
Soto thank you.
It seems ds version (4.5) remove target figure bones when use transfer utilty.
when I tried 4.5 , "auto fit " dramatically evolved, so CCT may be more useful than 4.03 DS too.
Though I want not to install 4.5 , untill it become suitable ver and many plug in can run on it.
(It is out of topic , I have same shirts for M4)