is it possible to divide a bone into multiple bones?

so I'm rigging a rope and like always my lazy side wants to know if it's possible to make one long bone then devide it into multiple bones like it's done in blender?
if not is there a fast way to make bones in the same direction over and over?
The Joint editor can do that, but it won't autogenerate smoothed weight maps as far as I know so I'm not sure it would be any better than making the bones in the first place. You can, if the mesh is grouped to match the bones, autofill by groups and then smooth the weights out which may give what you are looking for.
thanks, that actually worked, now I have bones and generated weight maps for them, took me a while but I finally managed to smooth them, now my new question is: is there any way to smooth all maps of a selected bone together? each bone has x, y, z and scaling maps and I have to select each then smooth them one by one.
and is there any keyboard shortcuts? browsing through right click menus gets boring after 20th or 30th time
If you want the same maps for each parameter use General Weight maps (one map per bone) instead of TriAx. If you want to keep a separate map for some of them keep using triAx, but you can copy and paste maps by right-clicking on them in the Tool Settings pane to match up those you don't want different.