Fitting Genesis Football to Genesis 3 Male...

evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
edited February 2018 in Daz Studio Discussion

Trying to fit the Genesis Football Uniform to Genesis 3 Male (nothing to do with the Superbowl) and having a bit of a problem.

The Undergarments transfer fine.  But after you save them as a Wearable and reload them, the arms behave awkwardly not really conforming past the shoulder.  I've tried both with Autofit and the Transfer Utility both resulting in the same abnormality.  I'm using the Full Body template because the pieces include neck, arms, legs and feet.


585 x 415 - 126K
Post edited by evilded777 on


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    I'm guessing the original load for you was correct as it was when I load those clothes on Genesis 3.

    You are saving them as a wearable preset for Genesis 3 so then you don't have to load them alkl one by one again? Try saving as a scene subset instead.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited February 2018

    I just tried it with Transfer Utility and it worked fine. I was able to wipe a scene and load a new G3M and Undergarments from the library without the arms going weird. These are the steps I used. (It's not as long as it looks; I'm just being thorough, I hope.)

    1. Load G3M
    2. Click somewhere else in the workspace to deselect him
    3. Load Football Undergarments.
    4. Select Football Undergarments
    5. Scene tab > Hamburger menu > Edit > Rigging > Convert TriAx to General Weight
    6. Transfer Utility: Genesis 3 Male/Clone Genesis; Undergarments/Default Shape
    7. Projection Template: Full-Body
    8. Expand "Show Options"
    9. Check "Reverse Source shape from Target"; leave other options in that section checked as they are.
    10. In that same window, under "Post Transfer Options", make sure that "Fit to Source Figure", "Parent to Source Figure", and "Add Smoothing Modifier" are all checked. You can also check "Content Type", although that's not absolutely needed at this stage; you'll need to do it now or later anyway.
    11. Click OK. Transfer runs.
    12. Once the Undergarments have fitted themselves to G3M, select them, then go to the File menu.
    13. Select File > Save As > Support Asset > Figure/Prop Asset. A window will appear with information that you need to complete as you wish; I use the actual vendor's name and the name of the product plus the figure I'm transferring to as the product name.
    14. If you use Smart Content or want the content manager to stick those colored tags on it in Content Library, you'll need to complete the metadata as you will. Otherwise, it'll all wind up in Lost and Found in Smart Content, or with little question marks on the colored tags. (This is the "now or later" mentioned earlier.)
    15. Click "Accept." It will save to your library.

    Do not use the Wearable Preset option until you've saved all the items off as Figure/Prop Assets. As I understand it, the Wearable preset is only meant to allow you to put the entire outfit on at once, rather than dealing with individual items. Until they've been saved as Figure/Prop Assets, it doesn't quite know what to do. So I've been told, and that seems to be my experience to date, anyway.

    Doing it this way gives you a properly categorized, reusable asset.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Hey Vw...

    "5. Scene tab > Hamburger menu > Edit > Rigging > Convert TriAx to General Weight"

    Why this step? Is this necessary? Never done this when working with an item that was already a weight mapped object.  I'll try it though.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    @vwrangler that worked much better, thanks for the tips.

    Now to learn how to fix stuff with the weight map brush...any tips there? :)

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Hey Vw...

    "5. Scene tab > Hamburger menu > Edit > Rigging > Convert TriAx to General Weight"

    Why this step? Is this necessary? Never done this when working with an item that was already a weight mapped object.  I'll try it though.

    Because Genesis and Genesis 2 use different weight mapping than Genesis 3 and 8. If you were using Autofit, that wouldn't be needed, because Autofit handles that automatically. And, to be honest, at this stage, Transfer Utility may be able to handle that on its own as well, but when they first made the switch from TriAx to General weights, not doing step 5 -- whether with Autofit or Transfer Utility -- would reliably make Studio crash.


    @vwrangler that worked much better, thanks for the tips.

    Now to learn how to fix stuff with the weight map brush...any tips there? :)

    Afraid not. If you're talking about the dForce weight map brush, it and I, we are not friends. We are not buddies. (And the main weight map brush I've never touched.)

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    @vwrangler the dforce weight map brush is a puppy dog.  What issues you having? I use it all the time.


  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    It's not a technical thing; I'm just not any good at it. That's a type of fine work in Studio that I've never really mastered.

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