I need help... and fast, please!!!!!

I am stumbled, helpless, and out of ideas. I consider myself a geek, but right now I am totally clueless...
I have been using DAZ studio, and Poser fior the last few months. A couple weeks ago, I had a problem with the 3Delight render, and I was eventually forced to uninstall DAZ. With it, I had to uninstall Poser too. I did the best post uninstall cleanup I could. Then rebooted, and reinstalled. Suites both run smooth. But my problem is that my two most active figures, M4 and V4, can't get installed in either DAZ or Poser. Or, to be perfectly accurate, they do install, but they are unusable.
The installers have no problems at all, until the moment they start the initialization of the figure. At that point, I get an error message that says "DzCreateEXPFiles-V4.bat is not recognized as an external or internal command, or a batch file. (or *-M4.bat for Michael). The files are in their folders, and the figure load icon is showing as normal in the content libraries... but when I try to load the figure, I am asked to manually guide the program to every single bit of the figure's anatomy and group/channel object. which is, around 60 consecutive files to be manually located, for every single base figure I want to load. Naturally, any Morphs, require their own set of manual file locating. Loading a single figure, before adding mats, or clothes, or props, takes more than 30 minutes like that. Makes it impossible to really work with them right now. I need all the help I can get for this, please, if anyone has even the slightest idea, respond to this!!!
Do you have a windows computer or a Mac computer?
Sorry, I should have mention that in the original post. Win7 Ultimate 64bit, on a Sandy Bridge Intel i3 CPU, an Nvidia 9 series VGA, 8 GB RAM and a 500 GB Hard drive. most of the hardware is fresh (less than 6 months old) except the VGA card.
Where are you installing v4 and M4?
I have the DAZ content on D:\content and the Poser runtime on D:\Poser Pro 2010\runtime
Or, had, since right now, it's just occupied dead hard drive space
So it is not in the program files directory?
Have you tried reseting and redownloading V4 and m4?
Yes. And, I keep the installers secured in backup disks outside the main hard drive, to avoid viral infections, corruptiopn, or what not. I have tried 6 different attempts to install. 2 with the copies I kept on my hard drive, 2 with my backups, and two with reset downloaded packages. Same issue.
Have you tried executing the .bat directly from the command line?
Yes. That was actually the first of the attempts I tried, after all installations failed. Then I got the bat fix registry key from microsoft, went on the registry lines manually...still nothing solved this. The same error, "not recognized..." appeared and in the cmd window
You should then use the command line to cd to "Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ" (referenced from your specific base area) and then execute the DzCreateExPFiles.exe program directly.
For V4 the command is: DzCreateExPFiles "Victoria 4" "V4"
For M4 the command is: DzCreateExPFiles "Michael 4" "M4"
EDIT: Based on your earlier post, you will have to do this for EACH of your content areas. DS and Poser.
You should then use the command line to cd to "Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ" (referenced from your specific base area) and then execute the DzCreateExPFiles.exe program directly.
For V4 the command is: DzCreateExPFiles "Victoria 4" "V4"
For M4 the command is: DzCreateExPFiles "Michael 4" "M4"
EDIT: Based on your earlier post, you will have to do this for EACH of your content areas. DS and Poser.
I know that. I have a long history as a computer geek, but even my nerdy self is about to give up. Plus, it doesn't work. Tried it just now
I know that. I have a long history as a computer geek, but even my nerdy self is about to give up. Plus, it doesn't work. Tried it just now
What, if anything, did you get as a result?
This is what I got when running directly from command line:
Nothing. There is zero activity, when I try to run dzcreateexpfiles
If I try to run it from the GUI, a console window flashes for a second. if I run it from the cmd, that flash reads what the GUI error pop-up says... "Dzcreateexpfiles-V4.bat is not recognized as an external, or internal command, or batch file".
I suspect C++ for this, as I installed V4 and M4 at the same computer right after I got the new hardware, with no problems at all. I could purge the OS installation and install a fresh one, but I don't have the energy for half a terrabyte of backup data to save at the moment. Not to mention that I will have to install an ocean of software afterwards, and that will be a disaster for my bussiness
Try running the .exe instead of the .bat You should either get a message about not having the right parameters, or what I showed above.
When I try to run the exe alone, on the cmd, nothing happens. I do have narrowed the problem to powerloader compatible installers though. I have Victoria 4.0 and her morphs (she was pre-powerloader) and she installs flawlessly. Aiko 4 on the other hand has the exact same problem. Anything before the powerloader installs fine. Anything after it just can't install. And, since it's impossible to have the entire DAZ product line hating my guts, I can safely call it an OS fault. I eliminated hardware problems, since I even used my notebook to read the DVDs, and copy the installers in a USB stick, then try and run them from it. Just to eliminate a Hard drive fault. Plus, when I use the default Poser pro content, or the sample genesis with Daz studio, I can render massively without the slightest problem.
Hmmm. Here is some info for comparison (both from the !DAZ directory):
2341923 bytes -- DzCreateExPFiles.exe
348160 bytes -- MSVCR71.dll
What icon do your .bat files have - if possible, take a screen shot and post it.
Try pasting
into a new test file and save as test.bat. Start a Command prompt, drag test.bat into it and hit return - what do you get?
Richard, for your first question... I don't have a screen capture utility handy at the moment. However... the DzCreateEXPFiles.exe has the DAZ shuriken icon. And the V-4, M-4 and A-4 bat files have another icon. A small rectangular with two cogs in it.
As per your second now...
I made the echo bat and here's what I got when I ran it in cmd.
C:Users\Yannis> d:
D:\>echo "Yep, batch files generally are working OK"
"Yep, batch files generally are working OK"
OK, so it isn't that batch files aren't working at all - which is good. Do you get an error if you just double-click the test.bat file?
Windows 7 has a utility called snipping tool which is located in the start menu (or what ever they call it) under accessories. I use it like a lot.
@Kendal: The bytesize I got is identical to what you posted. Don't know if that says anything...
@Richard: When I double-click the batch files, I get the popup saying that they are not recognized as an external command, an internal command, or a batch file. When I double-click the exe, there is a momentary console window popup that dies instantly. There is also a w9xpopen file that, when I try running, I get the message "This program is used by Python's os.popen function to work around a limitation in Windows 95/98. It is not designed to be used as a standalone program"
@Miss_Bad_Wolf: Hmmm... I didn't see that little gadget... thanx!!!!
Do you have a "Victoria 4" and "Michael 4" folder in that area as well?
Here is what my area looks like:
Right now, I only have the V4 folders. I used the uninstallers and removed the A4 and M4 bases.What I have, is Victoria 4, and V4toV3 folders. screencap follows.
Then according to what I'm seeing the following commands should work for you with no problems:
If not, I'm at a loss.
no, sadly it won't work... what is more weird... and I didn't really took the time to notice...
the bodypart bits of V4 are not called V4BODYGrps, or V4abdomenGrps, or V4lEyeChnnls
They are called 00-ps_pe069_DAZ_Chnnls or 00-ps_pe069inj_Grps or similar names. And, whenever I try to load V4.2 in DAZ, I just skip the file search, and get the error "can't load figure"... Poser gets me in an endless search for each file.... and I have to kill it from task manager or keep clicking for every piece missing
That sounds like you haven't loaded V4.2 but an older version. Are you sure that the V4 you loaded was V4.2?
According to the Installer, it is. Here's another screencap, with the installers in the depot folder, and the installer initial window saying it will install the V 4.2 base
Btw "Print Screen" key on keyboard, followed by "paste" in some picture-editor does screencapturing.
OK, then. I'm out of ideas. Based on what you've shown, everything should be working perfectly. The only other thing I can think to try would be to try to execute the DzCreateExPFiles.exe in administrator mode.
That sounds like you haven't loaded V4.2 but an older version. Are you sure that the V4 you loaded was V4.2?
The files with the product codes are the lists for the various products, which the DzCreateExpFiles utility then adds to the master V4BODYGrps etc. files. So if the product files are there but not the master files the CR2 reads that shows that everything is installed correctly but that the files are not being built.
I don't think we've asked which drive your content is on - if it isn't on C: then Kendall's lines for the Command shell won't work, though you should still get an error message. Perhaps you could try running the commands again, and if it still fails post a screenshot (using PrintScreen or the Snipping tool - note that the latter uses all cap extensions, so you may need to write .jpg at the end when saving if the new forum is fussy as the old was).of the iwndow at the end.