Are Girl 7 & Guy 7 compatible with Genesis 8?

Is it possible to load the Girl 7 & Guy 7 morph  bodies  on to the Genesis 8 male & female models? 

Has anyone tried this? 

If it's possible what is the process? 


The different cartoony body types for Genesis 3 are the only things making me conflicted about getting Genesis 8. 





  • Yes. Check this link page. Scroll down and follow the steps made by Musicplayer.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    Also Girl 8 & Guy 8 are likely to be released by DAZ this month. They are likely to look very similar if not outright be the same models transferred by a similar process as what that script does.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    Also Girl 8 & Guy 8 are likely to be released by DAZ this month.

    That's speculation by some forum users but there's absolutely no guarantee it will happen.

    They are likely to look very similar if not outright be the same models transferred by a similar process as what that script does.

    None of the new versions of a named shape has ever been just a transfer of the previous version, they've always been different characters with a similar style.

  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    Also Girl 8 & Guy 8 are likely to be released by DAZ this month. They are likely to look very similar if not outright be the same models transferred by a similar process as what that script does.

    Girl 8 probably. Guy 8? I wouldn't hold my breath. They don't want your money, if your interested in good sytlized males.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Chohole whispers quietly     "Speculations expressed as fact"

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