Streets of Mutantville: Episode 1 - Sins of the Old Father

So, I made a short film about a dark comic heroine of demonic nature called, “The Respawner.” The intent was to create a web series but the expense of doing it old school with latex makeups and props was just too great for my resources. I was only able to complete the pilot, which turned out quite well in my estimation. You can view that here for free if interested.
The thing was, I really loved this character and felt that it was one of the most unique things I'd ever came up with. I tend to go in for strong, conflicted female characters and this was right down that alley so to speak with a horror/fantasy twist. Out of the blue it occurred to me that I could use Poser, DS and Photoshop to illustrate any story I could imagine. After all, I've been building my Runtime for over 10 years now. There's virtually nothing that I don't have the “budget” to create in a graphic novel. To that end, I've created, “Streets of Mutantville.” The very first episode "Sins of the Old Father" is a cross over from the Respawner series. I will create more. I hope you find it enjoyable. I'm still working out my comic style so bear with me.

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