Movement/Rotation handle position?

Is there any way to move the movement/rotation handle position? Would be nice if they were in the middle of the prop instead of all the way down where my actors feet are/would be. Its a pain to have to zoom out to move something on the diagonal with the handles.
You could place a null where you want the controls and then parent the item to the null.
This is one of the things that makes me most crazy while using Daz Studio. Eyvery other 3D software I've used extensively (Maya, Blender Modo) has ways of translating and rotating objects with mouse and keyboard that don't require you to find tiny handles that are a few pixels wide (and usually off screen) and click on them. I would kill for a program update or even a script that added better mouse/keyboard controls for those tasks. Yes the parameters pane helps but again, using it involves finding a tiny position on your screen and clicking it. Not good enough. Daz should just look at how how the other programs do it and copy that!
So the controls would then stick to that null, which is positioned somewhere on the scene and might get moved out of sight when I change my point of view? (just a question, no critic... I'm not at my DAZ computer right now so I can't try it out myself...)
If so, could I parent the null to the figure I want to control, so that it moves with it?
Parent the figure to the null, not vice versa.