Individual Props per Animation Frame?

If I were to use an effect, like say, underwater bubbles, in an animation timeline, and use individual props per frame to allow for the effect, is there a way to change the prop, cancelling the prop from the last frame out?
Point 1: It's a bad idea. A single frame is far too short a time.
Point 2: It's a bad idea. Far too much wasted effort. Turn off visibility for the prop when it is not to be seen and then move and re-use it elsewhere.
Point 3: Basic keyframe animation. There should be a couple of tutorials for that floating around here somewhere.
You'd put the bubbles in and move them from bottom to top with slight side to side motion per keyframe. You'd want that as a track separate from humans, fish, anenomes, and so on...
That should be the easiest thing you animate