Bookmark/favorite feature?

IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
edited February 2018 in Daz Studio Discussion

I was just curious if there is a bookmark/favorite feature in DAZ Studio?

For example if I have a light set, figure, etc I use a lot, is there a way to flag it/mark it for easier and faster recall?

Post edited by Ippotamus on


  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    There's a script available to do this, but it's a bit fiddly.

    Depending on how many things you have, it might be easier to create custom actions and put them on a toolbar. Like this.

    1. Right-click any figure, prop, light, etc in content and choose Create Custom Action.

    2. Go to Customise (F3 key) and expand Custom in the left-hand pane. You'll see your action at the bottom of the list.

    3. Now click on the Toolbars tab in the right-hand pane, highlight any toolbar name, right-click and choose Add Toolbar. Give it a name.

    4. In the left-hand pane, drag your action onto the new toolbar.

    5. In the right-hand pane, in the Activities tab, expand Advanced, right-click your toolbar name and choose Enable Toolbar.

    6. Click OK in Customise and your toolbar will appear. You can move it around or redock anywhere you like.

    At this point, any single click on a toolbar item will load it into the scene. By right-clicking the action in Customise, you can choose the text it displays, or give it an icon. Any action you create will also appear in Menu> Scripts, so if you don't want to create a toolbar, you can access them from there.

    This works for any item which appears in content - figures, props, MATs, cameras. I have a toolbar with everything I load often, so I don't need to go looking for them.

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580

    I am putting this post on that toolbar.  ;)

    Thanks, exactly what I'm looking for.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Glad it helped.

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