A simple plea to published artists - colour and iray/3dl markers

I think this is a simple request but please enlighten me if I am wrong. I download an asset and prepare to use it in a render. Let us say it is a hair asset.

I load the asset onto my figure of choice. I think blonde will suit this render. I go to my new asset to pick a suitable blonde colour and I am confronted with "Base hair 05" etc. I am colour blind. This identifier is useless to me. If you have the time to label something as base colour 05 you surely must have the time to list it as base colour blonde, dark blonde etc.

Which leads me to request number 2. Can you stick the iray logo on your icons for anything iray. If it doesn't have it I know it is 3dl. I will admit I am a smart content user for those products that have the needed meta data. I even go so far as to write the meta data for non smart content products I use alot that did not have the data at time of purchase.

But if I haven't converted to smart content and load an asset via the content library due I really have to face a list of make01, make01, makeup 01 nb, makeup 01 nb. Little things like can make me avoid that artists prodcuts in the future.

Just my two cents worth. I dont thjink I am asking for too much.



  • I share your wish for names rather than numbers on the hair materials.

    You should see a marker on materials in most sets post-Iray, 3delight will have RSL under the materials tag and Iray will hae MDL.

  • True Richard and I appreciate the ones that do have the RSl/MDL tag or even the nvidia iray icon. But this needs to become standard even if the daz product team do it themselves before launch if the artist themselves cannot/will not.

    Hair is not the only offender. Clothes, make up, eyes could all use a simple colour identifier. Nothing worse than for me to spend hours on a render which I think decent only to be asked why the hair/clothes/makeup all clash colourwise. I cannot always annoy my wife to ask her to come to the pc while I pick hair, makeup, eyes and clothing options so my rendered do not look like they were dressed by Ronald McDonald.

    In the end I find th artists that go this extra step and support their products if I can over those that do not. Much like I did at primary school when I found Derwent pencils had a number on the pencil and inside the lid a list of which number was which colour. Happy days for me.


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