Dazstudio 4.10+ and ERC Freeze


I have a problem with DazStudio 4.10+ and erc freeze when i want to create  FBM.

 I made my FBM into zbrush (for clothing). I am in edit mode, i load my morph and i want to make ERC Freeze to  fix morph but DS shutdown.

 I try to uninstall and install again  DazStudio 4.10 and the last version. I clean my registry.  Reboot pC but nothing work correctly.


  • When does it shut down - on starting ERC Freeze? Whata re you trying to freeze - that implies there's at least one other property in non-zero mode that you want to link as a controller or sub-component to your morph.

  • When i validate ERC Freeze.

    I make my morph, i send it into DS with GOZ (cloth is in edit mode, FBM at zero).
    So i load morph, and 100%, i clic on erc freeze, i validate and DS shutdown.

  • Nom de l’application défaillante DAZStudio.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x5a2651de
    Nom du module défaillant : ntdll.dll, version : 6.1.7601.24024, horodatage : 0x5a58e571
    Code d’exception : 0xc00000fd
    Décalage d’erreur : 0x000000000002796f
    ID du processus défaillant : 0x2870
    Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d3a9bf6c7725a2
    Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : I:\Dazstudio 4.10\DAZStudio.exe
    Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    ID de rapport : 725c7f40-15b3-11e8-a074-1c6f65c752db

  • What are you trying to do with ERC Freeze? It's a tool for linking one or more non-zero proeprties to a single non-zero controller - it's not clear from your description that you have the needed situation (though that still shouldn't cause a crash).

  • I create morph for clothes : FBMvictoria 8, FBMOlympia8....

  • Yes, but what are you trying to link together?

  • Nathy DesignNathy Design Posts: 1,172
    edited February 2018

     I would like to link these morphes.  I did :
    Gen 8<<< add clothes>>>fit to Gen 8>>>Victoria 8 body 100%>>>go to zbrush>>>make modifications>>>DS Victoria8 at 0% for cloth>>>edit mode>>>goz>>>addmorph (fbm victoria 8)>>>FBM V8 100% (cloth)>>>ERC Freeze>>>validate>>> DazStudio shutdown

    Windows event log says i have a problem with ntdll.dll

    Post edited by Nathy Design on
  • Are you making a modified custom morph for the Victoria 8 shape? if so there's nothing to ERC Freeze, and from your description you don't have two non-zero properties to link. Just give the morph the same name as the auto-generated morph and it will be used when you dial up the shape on the base (make sure you clear the AutoGenerated flag).

  • Ok. thank you.

  • But i don't understand the reason why it don't work while wenesday i made that without problem before update dazstudio..

  • Since I'm still not clear on what you were trying to do that's hard to answer - if it is crashing now when used in an inapproriate way and wasn't before that might indicate a new bug, but it may also be some other difference.

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