Daz -> iClone -> Daz?

I've seen lots, both here and elsewhere, about taking Daz characters over to iClone and animating and rendering them there. (Including all the links in the sticky topic in this forum.)
Does the iClone pipeline support bringing animated Daz characters back into Daz to be rendered there? In other words, export to iClone, animate, re-import into Daz, render there as an animation sequence?
Yes, You can export animation from iclone back to Daz3d useing either FBX or BVH animation. I have both IClone 7 and Autodesk Motionbuilder 2017 and I will say that the Daz to Motionbuilder - back to Daz is smooth once you learn the specifics. I have Character Templates ( Motionbuilder ) for all Genesis figures thru Genesis 3 and Yes, Genesis 8 will work as well. I was very disappointed in the IClone workflow - I just spent way to much time trouble shooting problems. But for others it seems to work... Motionbuilder is a much more professional animation tool than IClone.. I actually go from Daz3d - Motionbuilder ( Characterize and apply animation ) then send it to 3DS Max for VRay rendering Or IRay+ For 3DS Max.
This might give you a start:
Thanks. Motion builder is just too far out of my price range. iClone is a stretch, but doable. Do you know of any full end-to-end tutorials for the Daz-iClone-Daz workflow for Genesis 3 or 8?
Hi I use Iclone pro 6.5 pipeline to import Daz Rigs and apply animation to them and export custom BVH back to Daz
Iclone 3Dxchange already has Daz genesis templates built in to Characterize imported genesis figure for Imotion retargeting
and Exporting Custom BVH back to Daz
One thing you need to consider when
Export a Daz figure to MotionBuilder,Iclone or Maya
is that you get a base resolution FBX rig with no JCM's
or HD morphs.
you will have to manually apply Blend shapes in Maya to get your joint control morphs looking close to the way they do in Daz.
Also forget about HD morph details Like those on the new Alexandra 8 Character as you lose those when your figure leaves Daz studio.
if you want to retain the full functionality of a genesis figure you should
consider exporting BVH data from Iclone or Motionbuilder back to DAZ and applying it in daz studio to your hi subD /HD genesis rigs for rendering.
Although Iclone Cost around $700 for the full pipeline version
you get a permanent license.
All autodesk products are monthy subscription only
so within 6 months of "renting" from Autodesk you could have
purchased Iclone pro pipeline outright.
Also Iclone Pro pipeline comes with a free application
Called Character creator with base figures that you can morph
into custom Characters for use in Iclone or export to other applications via FBX or alembic.
Wolf350 Replied:
One thing you need to consider when
Export a Daz figure to MotionBuilder,Iclone or Maya
is that you get a base resolution FBX rig with no JCM's
or HD morphs.
Well, that is not exactly true...
1) Joint morphs. DAZ Studio uses joint controlled morphs (JCM) to properly bend arms and legs and other body parts. You can export them via fbx too. What you need to do is to show hidden properties and show used morphs. So you know the names of the JCMs you have to export. Then in the fbx dialog add those names in the export rules.
Be aware that once you export the JCMs you will have to apply them yourself to the figure because they are available as morphs but not automatically applied as DAZ Studio does. So you will have to setup drivers too. Also, your target platform must have a compatible weighting system otherwise you will get different results from the JCM.
2) HD morphs. Export the figure at base resolution and at high resolution (subd 3-4). Then use Z-Brush to bake the high resolution version to a normal map. Be aware that the normal map will not create real bumps by itself, so the silhouette of the figure will not be affected. To get real bumps from a normal map you also need a render engine supporting micro-displacement.
Indeed nice progress on the Maya side
nearly worth renting and never owning the package
...nearly .... however :
Still More extra effort to get the figure almost looking as good
and workingn almost as well as it did back in studio
I personally am only willing to export my meshes in a format that fully retains everything ready to light &render
for me that is textured .obj/MDD to C4D or Lightwave 2015.
I am a film maker, when my animated actors get into my final render package I need them ready to render
with minimal fuss
Poser 11 pro as an intermediatory works well for getting animated iClone characters into DAZ studio
it is the only thing I have had any success with
import FBX
save as a cr2 whole group
save animation as pz2
open in DAZ studio
convert each part (all clothes hair and mouth eye etc parts are separate figures) to weightpainting general weights
save each as a support asset and fit them to the body when loading
apply the pz2 animations
a video, I was trying to fit clothes and go back to Character Creator but sadly that did not prove suiccessful, it does not recognise the FBX as the bone root is wrong
Not for Maya - see http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/change_log_4_10_0_123#4_10_0_122
Now that the Daz 4.10.xx BVH importer recognizes the G3/8 bonemapping , The issue of getting

externally created motion back into DS for G3/8, is solved.
IMHO the Iclone pro pipeline would be a good
long term investment for OP of this thread, as even those "free" student licenses for Maya/MOBU have a time limit I am given to understand.
It was always possible to manaully create a node mapping, what is new in 4.10 is automating the mapping in a way that works for the newer Genesis figures.
Thanks for the info I am useing Daz and was not aware of that update... THANKS!
Thank you to all who took the time to respond. Since my end goal is to do the rendering in Daz Studio, the fidelity of the model transfer isn’t quite as important to me as it would be if I was going to do the render externally. (While it might make a difference for some, my animation skills are not at that level) It sounds like the “bring the animation back into DS via BVH” is the path that I should be pursuing.
Excellent choice
Iclone pro pipeline will serve you well in this regard
tnx to the contributors here, there were some gems mentioned that I was not aware of.
Can I assume that Iclone 5 Exchange Pipeline can be used in the same way? (probably using BVH as the import back to DS?)
All on Genesis1 through the workflow?
Hi this is correct.
Infact I started with Iclone Pro/ 3DX 5.5
before moving up the releases to 6.5 where I remain for now.
Although 3DX5-5.5 Does not support Genesis 3 natively
you can Manually bone map G3 and save the mapping for later use
For one click retargeting of Imotion Data in future sessions
I still have my old G3 Saved bonemapping profiles
There is no legal issue in distribution as it is just a 7Kb text file
to describe G3 bone hierarchy to 3DXchange much like a BVH file does.
PM if you need them to use in 3DX 5 for G3.
thanks for the confirmation!
I'm still 98% G1 (and quite happy!), and I've got the iclone G1 helpers that came with IC5 w 3DXchng, so I think I have what I need to use that workflow. I've followed a few of warlord's YT vids and 'tested' part of the migration back and forth, but wasn't aware of some of the subtleties you folks mentioned above. Even with the re-mapping functions in DS BVH import, I've always had strange import issues (from iclone, mixamo, and even back from DS itself...). I do see that they are actually doing code tweaks to the BVH import in 4.9/4.10 so I may have to revisit my tests and see if any of the failed attempts work now.
I'll let you know if I have any questions - thanks for the generous offer!
How do I import iclone bone animations into DAZ.
It's too much of a rush