Why Can't I Get Orbit to Work?

InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
edited February 2018 in Daz Studio Discussion

I'm in Perspective View and have exactly one element selected in the scene. I would love it if the Orbit button, which I've outlined in green in the attached image, would orbit the camera around the selected object as it seems to indicate; but dragging with the Left mouse button accomplishes exactly the same thing as dragging with the Right mouse button: the camera rotates in place.

When you hover over the button, the status bar shows this tip: Orbit/Rotate View: Left click and drag to orbit the view around the focal point. Right click and drag to rotate the view in place.

I don't understand if "focal point" means something other than the selected object, but the program always acts as if the camera's location is the focal point. The only difference in behavior between using the LMB and RMB is that while dragging with the RMB, the button's icon changes slightly.

Are there any configuration settings that could mess up the way Orbit works, or is there anything else I could be doing wrong? This seems like if it were a real bug it would be obvious enough to have been fixed by now, so I'm wondering if the problem is with me or my setup.

I'm running version Pro 64-bit on Windows 10.

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Post edited by Inkubo on


  • Left click should orbit (move the camera around the object); right click should rotate the camera to show other parts of the scene.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    First select your oblect and then use the second from the right button, the Sq with a cross in the middle, that will frame your object and then you can use the orbit button

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    That's it! Thanks, Szark. The Orbit control can only rotate until you use the Frame button to frame an object, then you can orbit around that object.

    Being able to orbit is going to make posing and positioning thing sooooo much easier!

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited February 2018

    my pleasure. To add if you hover the mouse over the Frame button you will see a TIP about a Right Click function of Target which doesn't move the camera to the object but centers the cam on the object.

    Post edited by Szark on
  • Inkubo said:

    The Orbit control can only rotate until you use the Frame button to frame an object, then you can orbit around that object.

    It's not the Orbit control stuck on rotate-only, it's that the Orbit point isn't in the same place (relative to the camera you're looking through) as the object you've selected but not yet Framed. The default Orbit point begins at the scene's Universe Centre, but if you move the camera, the Orbit point moves as well. Selecting an object then Framing it is how you change the Orbit point setting.

    FWIW, it took me a long time to figure this one out (and many imprints of the keyboard on my forehead) — it's not exactly intuitive.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Yep. The tooltip doesn't mention the bit about needing to frame at first, so for a new user, Orbit sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, with no apparent reason why.

    I need to try to remember to do a test of whether clicking the Frame button in Perspective View sets the Orbit focal point for all cameras. It would suck if you had to destroy a Camera's position by clicking the Frame button, when all you want to do is use Orbit to adjust its position a little.

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