Need Help: Glowing Material Surface?!?

Hello all =)
Im going nuts over here trying to figure what is causing a surface to have a glowing affect. Its not a "glow", as much as it is the texture renders lighter?!? First thought is that it was/is the texture, but i checked in photoshop, and compared render to carrara, and i just cant figure out why. I went thru the surface parameters against the others, and they are identical, except for the texture used. i tried loading the textures to a newly imported object, but i get the same affect.
Could it be some issue in the object itself i need to check?!? maybe the renders will help explain better, i am at a loss =(
The "glow" is obvious in the 1st two images, but i dont detect it w/ the flat texture nor in the carrara render...

Click the image picker next to the Base Colour (the micro thumbnail of the image), select Image Editor from the menu, and check the gamma value - the "glow" one may be set to 1, the non-glow to 2.2
Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me sir, thank you =)
I NEVER would have thought to check that. The glow was set to 1, the others were at 0...
should they all be set to 2.2?!?
i copied the settings from the one that was glowing to the ones that were not, but only the 1st one had the gamma changed. what caused the single material sections gamma to change in the first place? or how come the gamma value wasnt copied to the other material sections?!?
I'm not sure - DS guesses a value based on ilel type and context, but it can go wrong.
So what "should" gamma be set at???
1 for "control" maps - bump/displacement/the various strength maps - and 2.2 for most collour maps. If the value is 0 then DS will assign a value automatically.