Hello folks!
I'm actually trying some modelling for a retro-future setup. To spare you the details, while modelling works "nyeh", texturing works not well.
I'm mostly using the iray Materials from the presets or work with free textures. Composing is quiete ok, but the pain comes from the UVs. In Hexagon, I work the steps triangulate (to prevent the mesh form looking weird), then I select a fitting projection (flat or cubic), export, voila. Hexagon applies these "Check-Board"-Textures, which are ok, but if there are to many, orientation gets difficult, especially, when there are many small objects, like buttons.
In DAZ, I often reasign surfaces via "geometry-editor", because it is so easy to handle. I would like to work only with DAZ for assiging textures, problem is, I can only apply the correct projection in hexagon.
So, my question, short: "Is there a way to apply a (new) projection for a UV-Map in DAZ Studio?"
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I'm afraid not - it might be possible via scripting, but that would require knowing how to calculate a projection and being able to implement it in script (or a compiled plug-in, which would not be as painfully slow). People did like the Hexagon UV tools, but it may be worth taking a look at some other options (Blender will UV, even if you don't use it to model; I think there's at least one other free application for mapping).
Thank you for your answer!
Blender and I are in a gollum-style love-hate-relationship... I recognize the potential of blender, I want to understand it, work with it... But when I come home from my job and I have an idea what to build it is "Do it in 5 minutes in hexagon or need 5 hours in blender because I dont know sh*t". Someday I will beat blender, someday...