Tiling/Offset bug ?
I have trouble positioning a surface (IRAY shader).
In the viewport it is as I want (positioned with tiling and offset).
Here you can see the render : There is a big difference !
Can you help me ? Please ?!!?
Thank you so much :)
If I test more I observe that it's the tiling the problem :
With an entire tiling (1 or 2 or 3 ...) no problem.
With a tiling with comma (1.62 or 1.49) the result is like previous image :(
But for positionning I need a comma tiling.
A fractional tiling will add part of a tile, not a whole tile - that's what the numbers mean (how many times to repeat the image across the unit UV square (tiles) and how far to shift the starting point (offset).
Yes I understand that but why the preview is not the same as the final render ?
Thank you Richard
Ah, yes - tiling does not (fully, at least) preview. If an item has tiled textures the preview will not show the repeats, just the basic map.
That too bad. The preview show something, it moove with tiling but it's not the good preview.
I'm looking for a tip to conterner this problem
In fact only the vertical tiling preview is bad. The horizontal one is good even with a frational tiling.That's strange no ?