Moving a scene's OBJ files into the library for redistribution.

I've created a prop that I would like to submit for consideration into the store soon, but am having a few problems getting it all together.
I imported the item into Daz Studio, and then saved it as a scene in a shiny new folder in the main library. I then spend a few days getting all the pivots set up. I created a texture folder where I saved my textures, and I set those all up as well. What I didn't realize however was that it was still referencing the original obj files elsewhere on my hard drive, so when I moved those other folders to another PC, it failed to load properly.
So how do I move the obj files into the daz library as well, baring in mind that the scene is made up of 160 individual objects that can be moved independently, (so I hope I don't have to convert them individually) It also isn't a figure with bones and it doesn't need to link to any characters. It's just a simple scene.
It shouldn't be requiring the original OBJ, depending on how you are saving. For sale you should be using File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure prop Asset, which will let you set a location for the preset to load the item and - in the options dialogue - allow you to pick the content directory to use for the asset files. I always suggest adding a new, empty content diectory, putting the Runtime/textures folder in there, save the preset there, and use that as the content directory for the asset -then you just need to zip the contents of the folder to have the complete package.
Firstly, did you have the .obj files and textures in their proper places in a Runtime folder? The .obj files must be in a sub-folder in /Runtime/Geometries/ and the textures must be in a sub-folder in /Runtime/Textures/ — you've just found out what happens if you use random "elsewhere on your hard drive" locations. And I'm fairly sure DAZ will not accept anything that doesn't use the proper content folder setup.
Secondly, it doesn't quite work like that, you can't "move the .obj files" into your D|S content, as soon as you import an .obj into D|S it gets converted into the native file format. This really ought to be saved properly as what's called a Support Asset (which can be either a figure or a prop). Select each part and click on File>Save As>Support Asset>File/Prop Asset, then (this is vitally important) remember to fill in each of the text slots in the save dialog for your account name and the product name. This defines how the D|S-format files are saved into your content /data/ folder, just like any other item in the DAZ store.
Thirdly... I'm afraid I think this does mean you'll have to save each of the parts of your scene individually. If all you do is save as a Scene Subset, the converted .obj files are saved in a sort of half-and-half format in the /data/ folder, and are much more difficult to find when you get to the point of collecting everything together as an installable .zip archive. Once you do have everything saved properly, then you can load up all your bits into a scene and save as a Scene Subset for a one-click load.
Thanks Richard and SpottedKitty for the quick and detailed responses. Saving each item will take a while, but at leastI know I'm heading in the right direction now. Thanks.
I failed to mention File>Save As>Support Assets>Scene Assets, even though i had it in mind. That will let you save all items in one operation.
Richard, what exactly is "save as Scene Asset"? I've just tried looking it up in the online docs, and the definition is "this command saves as a Scene Asset"...
How wonderfully helpful (not).

The Scene Assets will save multiple items, not just one as with Figure/Prop.
Aha! This should help a lot with D|S-converting a number of Poser-format goodies I have which are constructed from lotsandlotsandlotsandlots of individual parented parts — I wasn't looking forward to saving them individually then sticky-taping them back together again. Have to give that a go tonight. Does this function use the same creator/product/object name identifiers as the figure/prop save? Are there any gotchas I need to be aware of? (See my post above about the wonderfully detailed (!) online help.)
Doesn't work; drat. It looks like chained parameter dials from the root figure to parented props get broken, none of the dials work. Do you think a support ticket might help?
Does it not work if you save the assets this way, then save a scene?
Doesn't seem to make any difference. Here's a before-and-after screenshot, the bottom one is the Poser original (all animation dials working), the top one is converted to Tri-Ax and saved as Scene Asset, then loaded back in (dials exist but do nothing). There's definitely something off about the trigger assembly, and when I check the parameter properties, some of the links to hidden dials in the — could it be an ERC chain? — have been removed.
Any ideas? I'm fresh out.
Update to the update: I just tried saving as Scene Asset without first converting to Tri-Ax. The trigger now sits correctly when I load the new item. Some (but not all) of the parameter dials now do something, but none of them are right. It looks like some of the particularly fiddly complex ERC chains are being dropped in the save. I don't want to have to do a plain save-as just to see if it'll work, because I know it'll be a portion-of-the-anatomy-ache to clear out all the dud /data/ files if it doesn't work.
Definitely out of ideas this time.
DS 4.10, and most (at least) DS 4.9, won't create temporary asset files in the data folder if you save a scene - they will simply be embedded in the .duf file.
Ah, and I don't want it saved that way. OK, I'll open a Support ticket and see if they understand what I'm telling them this time.