It's bad enough waiting that long when I WANT to change g3/g8 parent, but...

Does anyone know how to write a script that will force Daz Studio to throw up a confirmation dialog for changing the parent on a figure (g2, g3, g8, etc.)?
Because the stupendously inexplicable length of time that it takes DS to change the parent of g3/g8 figures to or from a group is just stupendously inexplicably long.
Added to that is how freakin in love DS is with interpreting simple mouse clicks as click-and-drag. I swear my clicks are misinterpreted by nothing else (at least, in no way that is so annoyingly consequential), but they're routinely misinterpreted by Daz Studio. Got G3 selected and click the visibility eyeball on something else? Uh-uh, you're changing G3's parent. Got G3 selected and click to select a different figure or prop? Uh-uh, you just made G3 its child object.
I mean this is really getting old. If it's gonna take this long to parent a figure to or from a group, there needs to be a bloody dialog box:
"Are you really sure you want to waste this much of your time?"
Nope! I don't! I really, really don't!
Or some way to disable dragging and dropping in the scene hierarchy. Something.
Write this script for me (us) and I'll be your friend! No, servant! No, slave! I'll be your slave!
P.S., I have Windows set to be very conservative in interpreting double-clicks; i.e., I like to really click fast for the OS to interpret sequential clicks as double-clicks; I've been using Windows for ages, and I move quickly. Could this setting have something to do with it? Or is there some other mouse setting I could change to eliminate this extremely annoyingly frequent time-wasting event?
P.P.S., the mouse is brand new. A low-end Logitech optical gaming mouse, g-something.
Wait, is there a command in DS to deselect all? If there is I can just assign a hotkey to it and learn to hit that before doing anything in the hierarchy pane...
Yes, it's aailable in the Scene pane option menu but you can assign a keyboard shortcut by finding it on the left in Window>Workspace>Customise and right-clicking.
Yeah, that's the ticket, Richard (it's "clear selection" in DS). Thank you!
Yeah, I have no idea why it takes that long but it's annoying as hell.
I've had it literally take longer than rendering a scene!
In previous releases (4.8 or so) parenting was very fast and handy, it has been broken recently for G3-8 figures (it remains OK for props and early generation figures). There was a discussion about this problem in the common section (which is not a very good location for this imho) about one year ago and tickets were used to report this "bug". It seems there was no progress while it is very annoying to say the list, particularly when you want to move groups of G3 or G8 parented to a null, the penalty to parent to the null is about 1 minute freeze for each character (with or without clothes) and I have a decent config (compare with less than one second for a V4 or M4 fully clothed and with props), I have the impression Daz Studio is recomputing/reloading all the bones and dependancies and morphs of the figure. There is something wrong here or I belong to a bunch without a clue (because we are numerous with this problem).
Please educate me or correct this bug.
Thank you for reading.