Smoothing not working.
Previously I've had no trouble getting the smoothing/collision control to work (not always got the results I wanted, but it was a t least operating). Today, on a couple of occassions when I set it off, the little progress bar at the bottom of the screen has started at 0% and stayed there. And last time when I set it off D/S just vanished off the screen as if I'd shut it down. So without warning the scene I'd spent ages setting up was gone forever. What gives?
What were yo using it on, DS crashed on me when I tryed to smooth the Supersuit
I've had a couple of items where smoothing appeared to hand, though in fact it did complete after a while (and exploded the mesh, which is probably why it was taking so long).
I was using an M4 trenchcoat, in the past it's been reliable and I've used smoothing on it several times before without a problem. This also happened on a different item, so I don't think it's the individual props that's causing the pronlem.