7 Year Dilema

Hi, so I've had the honor of using Daz for the past 10 years, but as much as it's been an honor it has also been a curse, and a very bad one at that; and so after 7 years of absolute agony I've decided to join the forums in search of assistance. My question comes down to how do export morphs from Daz over to Maya 2009? I've done it before out of pure accident, but no matter how many times I try I cannot repeat the miracle. I truly do ask for any assistance possible; it would mean the world to me. Thanks!
from a Daz fan.
Is this any help https://www.daz3d.com/daz-to-maya
According to it's description that only works for Maya 2016. Am currently operating Maya 2009; however if you have evidence to indicate it works nonetheless I can certainly attempt a purchase. I just personally do not want to do so in vain and yet again wast cash on this ever insistent problem.
You can return it for a full refund to your card if you request that at the time of the refund. So potentially no loss in trying.
... You could also raise a ticket of post in forum to see if anyone knows if it will work in any way.
I'm going to guess that a version update wiped out the method you used before.
When was the last time you remember doing it? What version of DS were you using when you did it?
Other than that, all I can suggest is try exporting in each format in the list, and exploring the options during export, clicking all the buttons and boxes and anything that looks like it might open up an extended dialog.
Shoud only take a month. :(
Wasn't FBX the better format to export morphs?
Can't guarantee this works in Maya 2009 but in the 2017 release here's how it works. Maybe give it a try.
1. Export from Daz usingFBX format with these settings: http://www.3dtoall.com/daztomaya/d2m-morphs_fix.jpg
2. Then in Maya it's Window > Animations Editor > Shape Editor to see your morphs.