Import export scene individuals

I am making a book quite a good one I think. I need to make scenes of actions and such among characters for one but I need to export each one's animation individually for Marvelous Designer that seems simple enough but I must ask does it zero automatically and what is the best way to export a singular model including keyframes for that model? That is the first question.
Next one is I have a lot of posing and albeit I can use my imagination for the scene I really cannot get it perfect unless I import the main scene such as a build with desk etc in it the program I am most likely going to use to model those things is Modo I was wondering what is the best method for importing a build and such so I can pose my models to accurately fit it but only export the models again so I can use Marvelous Designer on them?
I am going to go with a simple scenario for the above for examples.
Okay in the above I need a character to interact with another character grab them by their hair then of course do whatever with them I wish to export of course the T-pose to animation of the model for Marvelous but export the models individually for different clothes but then later on after that line them up in Modo or other engines again. I know Iray works good for rendering but I think I may use an alt render engine. Also, I am going to have some interacting with particles and such.
Then in a lot of posing and such, there is a classroom full of kids, and a teacher who sits at a desk I can only push my brain so far to picture how they line up and that is it, it will be misaligned otherwise more than likely. I need to import the scene properly pose them all aptly and then export them.
What would be the Modo to Daz conversion measurements as well if you do not mind me asking so I can keep them the same proper sizes. Same when going from Daz to Modo.
(This is but one book other books of mine will be far crazier however these simple steps should work in the other books as well)