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I own DAZ Studio 3 and decimator
I reduced a Victoria model up to 20k tris
I converted it to FBX file
Then I exported it to Unity3d
Unity claims that the numbers of tris is still higher than 65.000
however animations are quite fluid
did anybody have the same issue ?
Any news for decimator in DAZ 4.5 ?
Decimator works for 4.5 as long as you have the Serial Number for purchasing it.
If you are using the Decimator for previous versions, that SN should work for 4.5
The tri count in Unity is based on a number of things other than just raw triangles. It considers the triangle, each material assigned to a vertice increases it's count (Shaders need to draw the vertice once for each material) as well as UV assignment ( if a vertice is on a UV seam, each UV island it's a part of counts as an extra "draw", increasing its "count."
Check out this video:
I have the serial number for decimator
I thought that decinator does not work well ith 4.5
am i wrong ?
Thanks a lot
Yes it make sense , actually I reduced the number of tris with decimator but I di not use Texture atlas
The Decimator plugin works in DS4, but requires a non-free serial number for activation - either from a paid-for copy of DS4Pro or from a separate Decimator license.