Bryce Expert near San Francisco Needed

randywilsonrandywilson Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a Bryce expert near San Francisco who can provide tutoring and perhaps do some hourly or project-based contract work.

This project involves a new use for Bryce. The first goal is to finish two short high quality proof-of-concept videos.

It will require a good knowledge of Bryce animation, lighting, key frames, and hopefully some ways to achieve faster rendering. I'm also open to strategies to move Bryce work into Blender or other affordable, modern 3D animation programs.

Please email me.

Randy Wilson

[email protected]


  • OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
    edited December 1969

    I'm looking for a Bryce expert near San Francisco who can provide tutoring and perhaps do some hourly or project-based contract work.

    Funny. DAZ could use the same thing :)

    Good luck. Bryce is no longer supported by DAZ, and animation in particular never got a lot of traction on Bryce: animation requires more than one piece of software (meaning it's not really 'new user friendly').

    I regularly model in Blender, paint textures in Photoshop, animate and light in Bryce, finish with a few subtleties in Final Cut and do sound in Reason, for instance. Each of these apps is fearsomely complex (well... maybe not Final Cut, but this is subjective), but trying to do everything all in one app results in successful 'exercises', but rather plain 'movies'.

  • randywilsonrandywilson Posts: 0
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Oroboros,

    I understand there are tons of limitations that require other software. I'm using Final Cut to fix the difficult timing errors in Bryce's animation. But I like the look of what I'm getting. That's why I mentioned moving Bryce work into Blender. So hopefully I could use some of the Bryce "look" in a more modern, capable program for animation. My time is limited, so I'm seeking an expert who has already explored this field.

    Post edited by randywilson on
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